Warner Bros. Working On Unique Super Smash Game After Shaggy Memes
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl getting a Warner Bros. Version
News by Grayshadow on Oct 25, 2021
For some time a rumor has been circulating that Warner Bros. was working of a Super Smash Bros. style game with their collection of characters. Now the rumor has gotten bigger with a Reddit post stating it's a NetherRealm crossover title.
According to the rumor, it's a tag team title that will feature these characters:
Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)
Tom & Jerry
Fred Flinstone
Mad Max
Harry Potter & Ron are apparently in but the rights are weird so they stopped development on them? Not going to lie this may have been said in jest.
Johnny Bravo
This game manifested after all the Shaggy memes started floating around the internet based on the Ultra Instinct Shaggy video that went viral. Many asked for Shaggy to be in MK11 but that wasn't going to happen so ideas started floating around. To add validity to the rumor from this burner account a link was provided a trademark of a multiverse by Warner Bros. for a video game.
This is just a rumor but after Space Jam 2 it's clear Warner Bros. isn't shy about combining their IPs no matter how strange. Like when Penny Wise and A Clockwork Orange's characters showed up in the PG movie. So seeing someone as violent as Mad Max fight with characters like Johnny Bravo and Tom and Jerry isn't ridiculous in comparison.
Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
Contributor, NoobFeed
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