Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 4 What Ails You Xbox One X Review

What Ails You sets up the finale for The Enemy Within with a predictable ending that is nevertheless satisfying

Reviewed by Grayshadow on  Jan 23, 2018

The penultimate episode for Batman: The Enemy Within What Ails You puts you on autopilot for most of the hour-long adventure. You'll walk down corridors and perform minor tasks waiting for the next piece of narrative to happen. Placing more focus on the relationship between John Doe and Bruce What Ails You sets up the finale for The Enemy Within with a predictable ending that is nevertheless satisfying.  

Batman The Enemy Within,Episode 4,What Ails You,Telltale Games,

PIcking off where episode 3 left off players will find themselves in one of 2 situations. Either trying to escape the confinements of an icy prison or attempting to prevent a massacre. This made the finale more impactful as the choices made then were immediately made relevant. However, expect to be put on autopilot for most of the episode.

What Ails You rarely gives you control and when it does it's to find key items to progress or input a series of commands. What does shine is the decisions presented, as the choices you make here either reinforce what you've been doing since episode 1 or completely go against them. It was strange to see Tiffany, who've I've been actively avoiding to tell my secret, just trust me after revealing my secret or John Doe willingly help me regardless of my past actions.

Speaking of John Doe, he's the highlight of the entire episode. Most of the tale has you deciding whether to trust him or not, either building a friendship or crippling his faith in you. This doesn't stop him from showing his true madness as we get to experience John's true nature in this episode. His brutality and manipulative nature comes full circle here and depending on how you treated him, based on his behavior, will have consequences in the finale. It may have been predictable but Telltale's execution of the transition was done perfectly.

Batman The Enemy Within,Episode 4,What Ails You,Telltale Games,

What Ails You does a great job of setting up the finale for The Enemy Within. Most of the episode has you following a line from start to finish with very little variation in the gameplay. The narrative does shine, bringing up old actions constantly whether it's John Doe discussing what you did when you were first introduced to Harley or Waller's attitude with Bruce. It was vexing to see that Telltale still doesn't provide a sneak peek of the finale but What AIls You provides a solid edifice for the final episode to stand on.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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