General by Knight on Jul 12, 2009
Well it's that time again. I was planning on making this a cap on 6-10 but i noticed you can't section a book, so! this is going to be so far. As those who have read there are alot of twists and truns. Many upsets to WTF's. I want your Feed back Yet again! The list is provided. Have at ye
Lord Ricardo/Knight:
King Sarwar:
Jorn Schiller:
Cole Dalflorion:
Best surprise:
Worst or ok Surprise:
Loved Character(s):
Disliked Character(s):
Hoping to see:
ANything else:
On a last not i'm in need of 2 more characters, Both female, if any of you are interested i can take any char you make up and put them in, as long as i can work with them, understand them, and as long as you don't mind slight changes.
Chapter 1: Touch of the heart Chapter 2: Kissed with problems Chapter 3: Alessandra
Chapter 4: Burdan of my gift Chapter 5: Hidden truths Chapter 6: Cole, Cole Dalflorion, to be correct
Chapter 7: Blade's mistress Chapter 8: Mask of their Hope Chapter 9: Connection
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