7 Tips and Tricks for Sea of Thieves

Best head start for Sea of Thieves

 by Grayshadow on  Mar 24, 2018

Sea of Thieves has a lot of interesting elements that they don't tell the player. With a short and brief tutorial, much of the game requires the player to learn from experience. To step this we've constructed some tips players can use to shave some precious time while exploring and avoid a watery grave.

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1. Human Cannonball

The best way to travel is by cannon. In Sea of Thieves, players can load themselves into a cannon and launch themselves into the air for speedy traveling. To do this make sure the cannon isn't loaded, take aim, and move your cursor above the cannon's head and hold Y to enter. You can then fire yourself but you cannon aim while inside the cannon.

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2. Ride the Winds

Players no doubt noticed the white lines in the air above. This represents wind and it's ideal to make sure the sails are pointed towards the wind's direction. If done correctly the sails will bellow depending on the strength of the wind and add speed to your ship.

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3. Where to Go?

You have 2 maps, the larger map tells you where your ship is heading and the smaller map details the island you're closest to. If you're short on crew members you can locate the map by looking at the gate on the Gallion's deck or by looking behind the ledge where the steering wheel is on the Sloop.

On the wheel itself, there's a gold tab. That tab indicates the ship is moving forward. If you lose sight of where the ship is going just turn the wheel until the golden tab is pointing up to continue forward.

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4. Aim Low and Be Smart

When engaging ships on the high seas it's best to aim at the ship's deck instead of up high. Center the cannon to aim at the deck to hit the lower parts and spread out hits. This will force the crews of that ship to head down and repair or face a watery death, giving up fewer players to fight.

Speaking of fighting always load the cannons during periods of peace. Head to the lower parts of your ship and locate the red barrels. These contain cannonballs, load up and reload your cannons to avoid unprepared fights.

If you want to avoid fighting turn off your lanterns. This will make you harder to see and less likely to attract hostile players.

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5. Check for Holes

Holes happen not only by cannons but by hitting objects and dropping anchor too early. If it happens to check for holes and patch them up. Players should always have a supply of wood and a bucket for removing sea water.

When fighting if faced with 1-2 holes 1 player should suffice. 3-5 holes will require 2 players and should prevent the number from reaching above that. Always repair the lower deck first before the second level.

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. 6. Locating Treasure and Hide it

Treasure maps come in 2 variants, X mark the spot and riddles. For the classic locate the island using the ship map and mark it. Once on the island use the smaller map to locate the X. The best map is to find out where north is to get a direction of the island and locate the X from there.

The riddle map is harder. First, locate the island using the ship map and has some constants. Riddles mentioning instruments require an instrument. If asked for a specific direction first find the direction and hold right trigger, each time your head bobs counts as 1 step.

Once you find the treasure make sure you hide it. Treasure stealing pirates want your treasure and it's your job to make it harder for them to steal from you. Great hiding locations include the crow's nest and behind the captain's quarters.

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7. Explore the Islands

Treasure is nice but islands hold many other secrets. Supplies including cannons, bananas, and quest starting bottles are scattered throughout. Stock up or you could find yourself in a difficult situation when faced with a much more prepared team.

Have anymore tips, share them in the comments below!

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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