9 and a half hours later....Demon's Souls is my new drug.
Games by Nerdboy on Oct 20, 2009
Going to keep this short.... HOLY FRICK OMG I LOVE DEMONS SOULS!
Yeah so I just went on a bit of a marathon....9 and a half hours straight Demon's Souls....and I had to pull myself away from the tv cause I knew I needed sleep. I'm close to the end of the game with 40 hours under my belt total. Having beat Uncharted 2 I'm honestly torn as to which is my favorite. Demon's Souls has done something that no other game has really done since...well ever. I don't think I've ever been this passionate about a game so much that as soon as I stop playing it...I go to forums to talk about it until I can start playing again. I began my play session by taking out some bosses in a few co-op runs and ended the marathon rightfully so...by slaying the Blue Dragon that guards the entrance to one of the final bosses.
Anyways, I need some sleep..getting up early to pick up Borderlands....though lets see how long it can keep me away from Demon's Souls ;)
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