A New Writer Approaches!

Writing by Tressilate on  Feb 14, 2011

I don't know why I have the "A New Foe Approaches" screen from Super Smash Brothers stuck in my head as I haven't played that game since early December, but well it's there! Anyway, I just thought that I should let everyone know that I am officially a NoobFeed writer. Awesome, I know.



Now I have previously linked everyone to my Neo Geo Station - Baseball Stars Review, but since then another one has been posted. This review, which was my second and last written as a guest writer, is for League Bowling on the Neo Geo Station so be sure to check that out.


You may also be interested in our SNK Special - PSP Contest in which we'll be giving away 10 PSP Game Codes for the Neo Geo Station Classics to tweeters on March 1. Who knew that tweeting could you net you some free games?


Lastly, what is on the horizon for Tressilate?


Well I'll be posting an Art of Fighting Review soon, and will be finishing off reviews for DeathSpank 1 & 2 in the next week or two. The former review is evidently part of our SNK Special, while the latter reviews are a personal quest more than anything else. Not to spoil anything, but you owe it to yourself to get DeathSpank on PSN, XBLA, PC or MAC as it is just so incredibly fun to play.


Take it easy,
Joshua McCaul.

Joshua McCaul

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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