Answer this!

Opinion by Sleven on  Feb 26, 2010

3 guys rented a flat for $30 and each pays $10 at the end of each month. One month, they send a guy (who collects monthly rent from each flat) with $30 to the flat owner to pay their rent. The owner gives a discount of $5 for some special reason. That guy who went with the money spends $2 and return $3 to those 3 guys. Which means each of them gets a $1 back.


Now if you see in this way,

Each pays $9 as they got $1 back. The total comes $9x3=$27.

The guy who took the rent, spends $2. That makes $27+$2=$29.

But the 3 guys have paid $30. Now where does the other $1 go?


Don't post the answer here. PM me and I'll post the winner's name in my next blog.

Sleven Junior

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