Other by AC55 on Aug 09, 2009
Here are the answers from the previous blog:
@ RON - I graduated high school, and I like to listen to music and play video games.
@ Nirvana - Don't have much to say. :(
@ biZZy - Got done graduating high school around the end of may, and going to college sometime this fall.
@ canana - I like the robot parts and weapons in the game.
@ anihimrox
a. What're flying trees?
b. Yes, they're awesome.
@ Woozie
a. Just check it out.
b. Yes.
@ davidck07
a. I like the ones they do today, on the PS3 it has a lot of stuff, and it has online gaming. I like it more than the PS2, though. And the 360 is okay, IMO.
b. Don't think it's approaite for kids, but they should be allowed as long as people don't get too obsessed about it in real life, I gues..
c. From GameSpot?
@ kelaidis - Take a guess. :P
@ Tanya - Been posting in the OT board, Forum Games, and the Music forum mostly lately.
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