
Other by Dramus on  Mar 04, 2011

With Blood And Rage Of Crimson Red.

Ripped From A Corpse So Freshly Dead.

Together With Our Hellish Hate.

We'll Burn You All, That Is Your Fate!


Yea, i have a hunger to know and learn all the Lanter Oaths from the DC universe. So far, I know and memorized 3 oaths. Red, Green & Yellow (Rage, Will, Fear). I will make a post for each Oath that i master. So far i got 3 down.... and not counting the White Lanterns who dont have an oath yet, and Larfleeze the Orange Lantern who is too greedy to share his oath i have 4 to go :)


Next, we move on to humanities greatest asset: Hope (Blue Lantern) :P Bless Oa

Tomas Velez

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