Awesome Games for Halloween

Games by Grayshadow on  Oct 25, 2012

Dead Space

One of the most critically acclaimed and successful horror franchise of this generation Dead Space has established itself as one of the best survival horror games to this date. You take control of Isaac Clarke, a ship engineer, attempts to survive and maintain his sanity against the alien artifact called The Marker, fighting reanimated corpses called Necromorphs, and contending with a series of devoted religious sociopaths. The opening screen of the first Dead Space has one of the best introductions of any horror game, showcasing the enemy that will have you afraid and thrill. These devilish creatures will hunt down any living organic creature in order to convert it into more of them by playing dead to ambush targets and charge forward with their natural weapons. 

I'm full of bad ideas

Although they are an unexpected threat Isaac quickly accepts the situation and adapts to ensure he survives to see his personal mission through. Armed with an array of armor, tools, and weapons Isaac and his partners carve their way through hordes of these creatures, and since they can only die when all their limbs are removed expect a lot of amateur surgery. With gruesome deaths, fantastic enemies, and horrifying moments Dead Space is an excellent choice to play for those seeking something a chilling experience. 

Left 4 Dead

Watch my back, please.

Perhaps you would rather spend time with your friends on Halloween, indoors and in front of a screen. Left 4 Dead is the perfect choice for those seeking an engaging cooperative shooter for you and three friends attempt to survive the zombie apocalypse. Whether you choose the first or second game you are in for a treat as you euthanize hundreds of the undead to reach the next safe room. If you get bored playing as a team then you can try the competitive mode where you take control of the special infected and hunt down your friends. In the spirit of Halloween it’s hard not to recommend killing hordes of the undead with comrades at your side. 

Fatal Frame 

Stand back, I've got a camera 

The Fatal Frame series is an unique game that is well-known for its distinctive game in the survival horror category. Instead of using conventional weapons to dispose of supernatural creatures you use a specialized camera called the Camera Obscura to exorcise your enemies. Each game you deal with exorcism, ghost, spirits, and dark Shinto rituals within an array of environments such as a mansion, village, and forest. These detailed and bleak areas create an intense sense of suspend that have you worried what awaits you in the next room. The Fatal Frame series is definitely one of the most suspenseful games on the market today that will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish, regardless of which one you decide to play.  

Silent Hill

What the hell is that thing!?

Silent Hill, one of the most atmosphere games in the survival horror category since it was released in 1999. Spanning 9 installments in the franchise each game stars an “everyman” that is stuck between reality and an alternate dimension for some precarious reason. The environments consist of dark and bleak settings that make it difficult to see what is lurking in the murky landscape. This horrific dimension houses some of the most alarming creatures you can imagine such as the Grey Children, Mannequin, and Pyramid Head. If you want to face a series of great enemies in a terrifying setting then you should look no further then the Silent Hill franchise. 

Resident Evil 

Never Forget 

It’s impossible to be a gamer and not consider playing Resident Evil during All Hallows’ Eve. Since 1996 Resident Evil has established itself as one of the dominate survival horror games on the market today spanning a series of novels, movies, and comic-books. Throughout each venture you had to manage a limited amount of supplies while repelling deadly creatures, solving puzzles, and unlocking doors with intricate locks. Each game holds a cluster of mutated horrors that want nothing more than to devour you. With a large assortment of popular characters, both human and infected, the Resident Evil franchise is an excellent choice for those seeking frightening game to play. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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