back from my trip

General by BrunoBRS on  Jan 04, 2010

first, no i didn't start editing the video review (yet) and even though the new noobfeed features are cool, the site apparently glitched for me, making it really hard to get in some pages, including the forum. hope they/you figure out what's troubling the site soon :D
since i didn't have the chance to get in the forums, i hope the slow loading for it is fixed, because i'm pretty sure it's one of the main reasons many users don't stay on the site for long.


now about the trip, it was pretty cool. we stayed in a house in the mid of the mountain, litterally surrounded by the jungle, and it had a pool there. even satelite TV. the routine was basically "wake up early to avoid traffic, go to the beach, get back home, have lunch, get in the pool, take a shower, find something to do for the rest of the day", which is pretty good IMO.


BTW the last thing i did in 2009 was lose a meteos match, about 5 seconds before the new year >.>


and i have been playing assassin's creed II too. the first time you get off the animus... whoa. that's one sick twist. and the game's getting better and better. just too bad the villa kinda ruins the economic system, and apparently there aren't enough templar ruins to explore (even with the 3 bonus ones from the edition), not to mention you can't just "redo" them. oh, and venezia/venice is awesome.



BrunoBRS using the villa's unlimited money to buy your soul

Bruno Sampaio

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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