Barring disappointment from the last blog...
General by Din5193 on Oct 06, 2010
This one won't be nearly as long as it was supposed to. After last time, I lost all drive to write up another über-long blog.
So yeah, I haven't been on for a loooooong time. Suffice to say, school, driver's ed, and some other things have limited my free time. Any time I spent on the internet was spent helping a new forum get off the ground (efforts to promote NoobFeed around the forums were, sadly, in vain). But now I have a little more time, so I'll start being more active around here. If I remember correctly, I used to be the highest-leveled user... then, after my first long absence, I was still in the Top 25... probably long gone by now, though. :P
But anyway... gaming. That's why I'm here, that's why you're here (probably). Gonna talk about four games in this blog; two new, two not-so-new.
First up is, of course, Halo: Reach. Without a doubt, the best FPS I've ever played (assuming we don't count the original Metroid Prime as an FPS, it's more of a platformer/adventure game). I had finally gotten so bored and angry at Modern Warfare 2 (it didn't have much lasting power), and I was waiting for a new FPS. I had rented Bioshock 2, and found it to be quite the disappointment... enter Halo: Reach. It's basically the best parts of all the Halo games, with new features, yadda yadda yadda... I'm sure if you cared about the game, you'd have it by now, or you've at least read 10+ reviews by people more qualified than myself. One thing I will say, though, is that the new system for Forge is amazing. New options, a fine-tune placement system, and the ability to make objects hover in midair or even "phase" them through each other creates virtually endless possibilities. I haven't had much time to mess around on Forge, though, since most of my gaming time has been going to the next three games (actually, of these four, Reach is the one I've been playing the least. Who'da thunkit?).
Second is Castlevania: Harmony of Despair. For those who don't know, Harmony of Despair is a sprite-based multiplayer Castlevania game that came out in early August. It's basically a mix of the older Castlevania games, the "Metroidvania" games (basically every Castlevania from Symphony of the Night to now), and the Boss Rush modes from newer games. Co-op is incredibly fun, and works surprisingly well, with the choice between five (as of now) characters. A bevy of rare items will have you hunting for hours on end, and a large amount of upcoming DLC (mainly new characters and stages) promises to keep the game interesting. Long story short, it's fast-paced and mind-numbingly fun.
Next up is an old GameCube game I dug up a few weeks ago. Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II. I had forgotten how amazing this game was, even without online play (servers are closed, and custom servers are inaccessible on a Wii). I won't go on about this game, since it's so old and weird... if you haven't tried it by now, you probably never will.
Last, but certainly not least, is a fan-made Zelda RPG called The Legend of Zelda: The Fallen Sage. ...Yeah, a Zelda RPG. To be honest, I didn't think it'd work out too well, but it's actually really good. Aside from frequent typos in the script and the occasional graphical glitch (plus the fact that, at the moment, I completely forgot where I'm supposed to be going, but that's my fault), it's as good as a fan-made game gets. A sequel is coming out in mid-November, and from what I've heard from beta testers and people who played the demo, it's even better than the original. Anyway, Fallen Sage is a free download, so if anyone's looking for a good RPG, I'd recommend this one. You can Google search it, or check UndyingNephalim's deviantART page.
Anyway, that's it for me, for now at least. I'll be back on more frequently soon (I think I owe you guys about 8 character blogs :P), and maybe I'll type up a review for Harmony of Despair or something. I have to go for a drive with my driving instructor for an hour or so, and then I'll check all your blogs when I get back. See ya!
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