Best Nintendo Switch Games of 2017
What were the best games for the Nintendo Switch this year?
by Grayshadow on Dec 12, 2017
The Nintendo Switch has easily surpassed Nintendo's Wii U console and continues to dominate months after its launch. But a system is nothing without games to play and this year Nintendo has released some incredible titles only available on the Nintendo Switch. Here are the best Nintendo Switch games of 2017.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
If you ever wanted to play XCOM featuring Super Mario characters than Ubisoft has made the game for you. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle combines the tactical gameplay found in the RTS science-fiction hit series and replaces the aliens and soldiers with Super Mario and Rayman's Rabbids characters for a challenging strategy game. This isn't a walk in the park Mario game and will require you to utilize your team's strengths while maintaining control of the battlefield. After you're done you can challenge your friends in the recently added competitive multiplayer mode that allows you to mix together teams from Mario and the Rabbids.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild takes the franchise a step forward by not only returning the franchise back to its open world roots but increasing the challenge. This is perhaps one of the hardest and densely packed Legend of Zelda games to date with hundreds of side quests and optional gear to obtain. Nintendo went even further and added the Master Trials which adds another layer of challenge to this already difficult game. Stopping Calamity Ganon isn't going to be easy but those willing to take on the challenge will be rewarded with an epic adventure full of noteworthy moments. And if you own a Wii U and not a Switch, good news! The game is on the Wii U as well.
Splatoon 2
Building on the same foundation left behind by Splatoon for the Wii U Splatoon 2 is every bit as fun as the original. Adding together a more refined single-player campaign, new modes, and the addition of new content constantly being added. The ink-based weapons and territory style competitive and cooperative modes ensure that teamwork takes priority. Overall it's more Splatoon, and that's a good thing.
If you're looking for a fighting game to play with your friends, try Arms. Up to 4 players choose from a variety of characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and unique arms. Blocking, throwing, punching, and dodging are all essential to ensuring victory. It seems simple at first but quickly becomes a hectic battle of predicting your opponent, picking the time to strike, and maximizing damage.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Are you thirsting for a classic JRPG full of amazing environments, complex boss battles, loads of customizable options, and a story crammed with lore? Then Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the game for you! Not only does it have all the qualities of an excellent JRPG it's over 70 hours long! The varied and rich world and an impressive variety of new characters prevent things from getting scale. Just remember to take regular breaks while playing.
Super Mario Odyssey is not only everything a good Mario game needs, it's everything a perfect platformer should have. The clever gameplay mechanic of Hatty's possession ability opens the door for plenty of creative challenges over the course of several dazzling worlds. It's impossible not to smile at the charm of each new land, full of hidden mysteries waiting to be discovered. Even after the main campaign is completed you'll still have hidden worlds to discover and Power Moons to collect. Super Mario Odyssey is an epic single-player adventure and the number 1 reason to buy a Nintendo Switch.
What were your favorite games on the Nintendo Switch? Let us know in the comments below!
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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