Bethesda Press Conference Overview: Everything You Need to Know

Everything you need to know about Bethesda's Press Conference

 by Grayshadow on  Jun 13, 2016

Bethesda did it again, delivering more on what we expect from a developer and a publisher who cares about their fans. Some surprising announcements, others we saw coming. Regardless if Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo or Ubisoft will have to bring their A game and more if they want to prevent Bethesda from earning Best in Show for a second year in the row.

Quake is Back

No one saw this coming. Like Fallout 4's release date Quake Champions shocked many, with Twitter flooding with tweets about the acclaimed shooter returning. With four champions, arena style combat, 120 hertz with unlocked frame rate, and unique characters. Right now information is limited but Bethesda promises to provide more at Quakecon this August.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends

The Elder Scrolls: Legend is gaining traction, despite being widely disliked on YouTube. Allowing for a 2 lane battlefield and providing single and multiplayer players can expect to sacrifice a lot of time playing this card game. If you want to get into the beta more invites are going out, simply sign up on the official site. It was also revealed that Legends will release on iPhone, Mac, and Android tablets. Hopefully those versions won't crash like the Bethesda's stream during the cinematic.

Fallout 4

Fallout 4,Bethesda,Nuka World,DLC,NoobFeed,

Since launching late last year Fallout 4 has seen massive community feedback, mostly positive. More creation tools are on the way with Contraptions, Vaulttec which allows you to build your own vault and conduct experiments, and finally a look at the final expansion launching this August called Nuka World. That's right an entire amusement park dedicated to the Fallout universe's favorite drink. 

Fallout: Shelter

fallout: Shelter,NoobFeed,Bethesda,

You can't talk about Fallout 4 without mentioning Fallout Shelter. A massive update is coming that will add new locations, enemies, combat system, and characters. Best of all PC players can join the mayhem this July when the game releases. Fallout: Shelter grossed 5.1 million in microtransaction sales in the first two weeks of release, can't imagine how much money its made since then.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The rumors were true, a remastered version of The Elder Scrolls V is coming to consoles and PC. It will include improved visuals and console mod support. Best of all those who own Skyrim and all its DLC will get a free copy of the game.


It's not a sequel, and its not a reboot. Prey 2 is dead but Prey is a different take on the universe with a new character. Named Morgen you are part of an experiment that will alter humanity forever, however the space station you're on gets boarded by aliens. Nasty dark creatures who want you dead. Using tools, weapons, and your mind abilites you must fend off the horde of aliens and survival the nightmare. Prey is slated for  2017 release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

More Doom

Doom,Unto the Evil,NoobFeed,Bethesda,The Harvester,

Bethesda is pleased with the positive reception of Doom. The development team at id is planning to release free updates to Snapmap, the community creation tool system. This includes the weapon wheel and campaign only items.

Other additions include brand new multiplayer content. Free next month is Exodus, a 1 flag CTF varient, Sector, a multi-capture and hold match type, and finally 3 free-for-all modes.

Unto the Evil, the game's first premier DLC pack, will offer 3 multiplayer maps: Offering, Cataclysm, and Ritual. Also included is a brand new demon form called The Harvester, new weapon, item, equipment, taunt, and armor set. 

Those who haven't played Doom and want to try it can play the first level for free this week only!

Elder Scrolls Online


The Elder Scrolls Online is seeking to strench across the world, coming to Japan on June 23rd. If that wasn't enough to The Elder Scrolls Online is doing something unheard of, destroying the barriers that separated players based on their level. Instead all characters will level based on the content in the world, removing all level restrictions. This seem like a risky addition but we'll see how this experiment works out, after all what better way to test it.

Bethesda VR

Bethesda VR,Bethesda,NoobFeed,

Bethesda is diving into the world of VR, giving players access to Mars, Hell, and the Commonwealth. Players with access to a VR headset can play Doom and Fallout 4 right now using a VR headset. See what it's like to live in these worlds, and than run like crazy. Seriously seeing a Hell Knight charge after me doesn't seem like fun.

Dishonored 2

Everyone know this was coming, Dishonored 2. A sequel to the acclaimed 2012 game from Arkane Studios looks better than ever. With a new engine, called The Void Engine, the world of Dunwall looks outstanding, what's even more impressive is Karnaca. Also known as the Jewel of the State players take control of either Emily or Corvo as they attempt to unravel a conspiracy and save the kingdom.

Both Emily and Corvo will provide their own perspectives, emotions, and play differently from one another. Both blessed with The Mark of the Outsider each character will have their own unique abilities. Emily was the star of the demo highlighting her ability to memorize people, preventing them from seeing her, Domino which causes the effect of one enemy to inflict everyone linked to him or her, and finally Shadow Walk which allows for sneaking pass enemies or viciously killing them.

Dishonored 2 will launch on Xbox One, PS4, and PC November 11, 2016. A limited Collector's Edition will come with Corvo's Mask and Emily's Ring, but like the Fallout 4: Pipboy Edition it's first come first serve.

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Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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