Black Ops II: Great Class Setups - Part I

Craig Bryan would like to share some of his knowledge with you guys in the hopes of improving your class setup just a little bit.

 by Fishdalf on  Dec 14, 2012

While I don’t claim to be some Call of Duty guru I do put some serious time into this game (100 hours and counting) and I would like to think I’ve learnt what works and what doesn’t in a given situation and thought I’d share some of this knowledge with you guys in the hopes of improving your class setup just a little bit. I also encourage you to share any setups you may have and I’d be happy to try them out in-game and see how they work for me and post back my findings.

COD, Call of Duty, BO2, BOII, Black Ops II, Black Ops 2, NoobFeed Feature, Great Class Setups Part 1, Good Class Setups Part 1, Great Class Setup, Good Class Setup, Best Class Setup, Best Guns, Best Perks, Best Equipment, Best Wildcards, FAL OSW, Assault Rifle, Stock, Adjustable Stock, Select Fire, Semi-Auto, Fully Automatic, Suppressor, Primary Gunfighter, Lightweight, Ghost, Toughness, Dexterity, Perk 1 Greed, UAV, MP7, Fast Hands, Scavenger, Objectives, Tactical Mask, Perk 2 Greed, Tactician, Tactical Equipment, Flash Grenade, Shock Grenade, Stun Grenade, Concussion Grenade, Assist Score, How To Get Great Scores, PDW-57, Laser Sight, FHJ-18 AA, Cold-Blooded, Engineer, Black Hat, Hacking, Care Packages, Scorestreaks, Warthog, Sentry Gun, Guardian, Defensive, Airborne, Blind Eye, Air Support, Reroll, Spawn Abuser, Spawn Abuse, MSMC, Submachine Gun, Disable Enemy Equipment, Five-Seven, The Executioner, Pistol, Silenced Pistol, Spray Fire, Hip Fire

FAL: Fully-Automatic Laser

Primary Weapon: FAL OSW
Attachments: Adjustable Stock, Select Fire, Suppressor
Wildcard: Primary Gunfighter

Tier 1 Perks: Lightweight, Ghost
Tier 2 Perks: Toughness
Tier 3 Perks: Dexterity
Wildcard: Perk 1 Greed

This setup is all about the all-round gunplay with no equipment selected. It’s all about navigating the map properly and fully utilizing this beast of an assault rifle. The key to this is the Select Fire attachment, which transforms the FAL from a decent semi-auto burst-fire weapon into a near unstoppable mid-range killing machine. When it has been converted to fully automatic you can simply old your finger down and watch as it pumps out rounds into the enemy with laser precision and little to no recoil. 

When I use this setup I tend to get a lot of chest shots as oppose to shots to the head, but it doesn’t matter as they’ll drop just as quickly. It’s also surprisingly good for taking out multiple enemies who are rushing at you as long as you’re behind ample cover and maintain the correct distance between targets. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve been rushed at by hoards of SMG users only to drop them before they even knew what hit them and they simply don’t know how to handle it. 

I advise Lightweight as it helps with your movements and that sluggish feeling that comes with the assault rifles. Ghost is a perk I would recommend for almost any class as it keeps you off those oh so easy to get UAV’s. Toughness is another perk I would recommend to anyone as almost every head-to-head gunfight you’ll be hit with at least one bullet and you want to be flinching as little as possible to give you the advantage in winning those encounters. Dexterity rounds off the class nicely and gives you a character – combined with the Stock attachment – that is going to move and aim with ease as you look to go on some worthwhile killing sprees. 

COD, Call of Duty, BO2, BOII, Black Ops II, Black Ops 2, NoobFeed Feature, Great Class Setups Part 1, Good Class Setups Part 1, Great Class Setup, Good Class Setup, Best Class Setup, Best Guns, Best Perks, Best Equipment, Best Wildcards, FAL OSW, Assault Rifle, Stock, Adjustable Stock, Select Fire, Semi-Auto, Fully Automatic, Suppressor, Primary Gunfighter, Lightweight, Ghost, Toughness, Dexterity, Perk 1 Greed, UAV, MP7, Fast Hands, Scavenger, Objectives, Tactical Mask, Perk 2 Greed, Tactician, Tactical Equipment, Flash Grenade, Shock Grenade, Stun Grenade, Concussion Grenade, Assist Score, How To Get Great Scores, PDW-57, Laser Sight, FHJ-18 AA, Cold-Blooded, Engineer, Black Hat, Hacking, Care Packages, Scorestreaks, Warthog, Sentry Gun, Guardian, Defensive, Airborne, Blind Eye, Air Support, Reroll, Spawn Abuser, Spawn Abuse, MSMC, Submachine Gun, Disable Enemy Equipment, Five-Seven, The Executioner, Pistol, Silenced Pistol, Spray Fire, Hip Fire

The Annoyer

Primary Weapon: MP7

Tier 2 Perks: Fast Hands, Scavenger
Tier 3 Perks: Tactical Mask
Wildcard: Perk 2 Greed

Tactical Equipment: Concussion Grenade x2
Tactical Equipment: Flash Grenade x2
Wildcard: Tactician

This setup is great for objective-based game modes, but will annoy the living daylights out of anyone you come up against and can guarantee you pretty massive scores whether you go on a large gun streak or not. The main tactic is to run around the map lashing tactical grenades into key areas of the map and around corners to stun and blind the enemy. That way you and your team mate can rush in and finish them off with relative ease.

Fast Hands allows you to get your grenades thrown faster, while Scavenger will ensure you’re never far away from resupplying your ammo ready for the next barrage. Tactical Mask is there for if you somehow manage to get caught up in your own trap and will minimize the effects. What gun you choose to go with here is irrelevant, any SMG, shotgun or even pistol works great as they allow you to move around the map at an ample pace as you constantly counter-act the enemies rushing patterns.

The great scores come from the assists you get for enemies you manage to stun or flash, with 50 points awarded for every successful throw. It may not sound like a lot, but in a ten-minute game with at least four tactical grenades each life you’re talking about some serious points being awarded. In objective-based games the enemies will be so put off by your early exchanges you’ll find yourself capping flags and the like with relative ease as they approach with more caution.

COD, Call of Duty, BO2, BOII, Black Ops II, Black Ops 2, NoobFeed Feature, Great Class Setups Part 1, Good Class Setups Part 1, Great Class Setup, Good Class Setup, Best Class Setup, Best Guns, Best Perks, Best Equipment, Best Wildcards, FAL OSW, Assault Rifle, Stock, Adjustable Stock, Select Fire, Semi-Auto, Fully Automatic, Suppressor, Primary Gunfighter, Lightweight, Ghost, Toughness, Dexterity, Perk 1 Greed, UAV, MP7, Fast Hands, Scavenger, Objectives, Tactical Mask, Perk 2 Greed, Tactician, Tactical Equipment, Flash Grenade, Shock Grenade, Stun Grenade, Concussion Grenade, Assist Score, How To Get Great Scores, PDW-57, Laser Sight, FHJ-18 AA, Cold-Blooded, Engineer, Black Hat, Hacking, Care Packages, Scorestreaks, Warthog, Sentry Gun, Guardian, Defensive, Airborne, Blind Eye, Air Support, Reroll, Spawn Abuser, Spawn Abuse, MSMC, Submachine Gun, Disable Enemy Equipment, Five-Seven, The Executioner, Pistol, Silenced Pistol, Spray Fire, Hip Fire

Backs to the Wall

Primary Weapon: PDW-57
Attachments: Laser Sight, Suppressor

Secondary Weapon: FHJ-18 AA

Tier 1 Perks: Blind Eye, Ghost
Tier 2 Perks: Cold-Blooded
Tier 3 Perks: Engineer
Wildcard: Perk 1 Greed

Tactical Equipment: Black Hat

This setup is for playing defensively when you’re trapped in your spawn and the enemy is bombarding you with Scorestreaks. We’ve all been in the situation and I find a more healthy way to deal with it than to rage quit is to attempt to turn the tide in my favour and put us back on the front foot and with this you are fully armed to take out an entire airborne assault all by yourself.

The PDW is a Submachine Gun that is great for close and medium firefights and with the Suppressor it helps you remain off the enemy radar. Combine this with Ghost, Blind Eye and Cold Blooded and there aren’t going to be many that will pick you up from anywhere. This gives you the perfect platform to start launching that secondary and taking down pesky air support, with the Black Hat there in case you need the extra ammunition to single-handedly take out a Warthog if needs be. It will also grant you the ability to see and disable enemy equipment, Sentry Guns and Guardians from behind walls.

Throwing on Care Package as one of your Scorestreaks is a great counter because after you’ve taken out there’s you’ll probably have close to the points needed for your own. Paired with Black Hat and Engineer allows you to recover it from anywhere and if it’s not to your liking you can reroll it in the hopes for something better. This exact setup has got me out of many a sticky situation.

COD, Call of Duty, BO2, BOII, Black Ops II, Black Ops 2, NoobFeed Feature, Great Class Setups Part 1, Good Class Setups Part 1, Great Class Setup, Good Class Setup, Best Class Setup, Best Guns, Best Perks, Best Equipment, Best Wildcards, FAL OSW, Assault Rifle, Stock, Adjustable Stock, Select Fire, Semi-Auto, Fully Automatic, Suppressor, Primary Gunfighter, Lightweight, Ghost, Toughness, Dexterity, Perk 1 Greed, UAV, MP7, Fast Hands, Scavenger, Objectives, Tactical Mask, Perk 2 Greed, Tactician, Tactical Equipment, Flash Grenade, Shock Grenade, Stun Grenade, Concussion Grenade, Assist Score, How To Get Great Scores, PDW-57, Laser Sight, FHJ-18 AA, Cold-Blooded, Engineer, Black Hat, Hacking, Care Packages, Scorestreaks, Warthog, Sentry Gun, Guardian, Defensive, Airborne, Blind Eye, Air Support, Reroll, Spawn Abuser, Spawn Abuse, MSMC, Submachine Gun, Disable Enemy Equipment, Five-Seven, The Executioner, Pistol, Silenced Pistol, Spray Fire, Hip Fire

Spawn Abuser

Primary Weapon: MSMC
Attachments: Laser Sight, Suppressor, Extended Clip
Wildcard: Primary Gunfighter

Secondary Weapon: Five-Seven
Attachments: Suppressor

Tier 1 Perks: Ghost
Tier 2 Perks: Toughness
Tier 3 Perks: Dexterity

This setup is a great one for rushing to the enemy and dealing with them once you get into or near their spawn. Once again there’s that winning combination of an SMG with the Ghost perk and a Suppressor so that you can be quick and silent in picking people off one by one. The Laser Sight and Extended Clip give you those few extra bullets that may be required when firing from the hip when you get into tight situations and because this is designed with getting right into the enemies face you’ll hardly want to be aiming down your sights that often.

Because of its spray-heavy nature it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a secondary pistol ready and waiting for those times where you don’t have time to reload or your bullets are running low. The five-seven is as good a gun as any to fulfill those needs, in fact any pistol other than The Executioner would suffice, as it needs Long Barrel to function effectively and this puts you back on the radar and that’s not something I’d welcome when you’re behind enemy lines.

Also check, Black Ops II: Great Class Setups - Part II

Craig Bryan, NoobFeed
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Craig Bryan

, NoobFeed

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