Blog Number Four : One Hell Of A Week.

General by Woozie on  Mar 22, 2009

Howdy! You may , or may have not noticed my absence from the forums during this week. I've had other stuff to do and I'm going to tell you exactly what in this blog. There's been a group of students from Atlanta,Georgia that came here on their spring break. They've been coming to our classes and during the afternoons , I went downtown to spend some time with them. It's been my first time talking to a foreigner and I found it to be a nice experience. I have to say , they were very awesome people and we found out that we liked the same stuff as each other . It was cool to debate music and movies and to share our experiences. So I didn't care about school or anything this week . And I can say I had the best time in a while now.

But now I'm back on Noobfeed. I'm curious to see how this emblem competition will end up and what designs will win .And oh , I've put up a review of Puzzle Quest Challenge of the Warlords , check it out please :P

This would be all for now , cya on the forums!

Mates Bogdan Robert

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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