Broken into...again

Other by Nerdboy on  Nov 12, 2009

Doing ministry work in the inner city takes a lot of compassion.  You need to be passionate about what you do and really want to make a difference, and for us, really care about the young children coming to our program and helping them develop healthy friendships.  However, there are sometimes that you'll run into some people who would be so willing to take things from your organization for their own profit.


Last night the place I work at was broken into and multiple things were stolen.  A computer, our sound system, and a lot more.  The whole building was a complete mess once we got there and the only question that was left was why?


So, now that the day is over we must decide what we'll do to better secure our building.  Sometimes it's just sad to know that there are those out there that will steal valuable things from us...but if I learned something today it is this.  No matter what happens, no matter how bad things can be, nothing matters more than to help these kids have fun and build character.  Our after school program gives kids a place to meet others and something to eat.  I've watched depressed children walk in and very happy and cheerful kids walk out.  I hope we showed them today, that no matter how bad things can still find something good.


There's my inspirational blog for the day lol, I'm looking into getting maybe some kind of security system until we switch into the new building but for now we'll just have to hope and pray the robbers don't return.

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