Can The Division Avoid Destiny’s Mistakes?

What can The Division include to avoid Destiny's mistakes

 by Grayshadow on  Feb 03, 2016

It wasn’t long before people started comparing Bungie’s Destiny to the gameplay of The Division, and for good reason. A lot of the content found in The Division can be found in Destiny, and even Borderlands. However unlike Borderlands Destiny released to divided reviews, however most made the same criticism regarding the game’s lack of story, troublesome leveling system and vexing grinding. Many have participated in The Division’s beta and an open beta is already set to begin before the game’s release this March. However there are some mistakes can The Division avoid that Bungie’s Destiny made during it’s initial release.

Trading Gear

The Division,Noobfeed,Ubisoft,

The idea of collecting the most powerful gear encourages players to continuously take risks for better rewards. Sometimes you’ll find something rare but have no use for it but one player’s junk is any player’s treasure. It’s already confirmed that The Division won’t allow players to buy and sell items to one another due to lack of priority. However Ubisoft should make this a primary addition after the game releases. Giving players the sell, trade and purchase new gear from other players will give other players more reasons to venture into the Dark Zone and take on difficult challenges.


The Division,Noobfeed,Ubisoft,

One of Destiny’s primary issues was matchmaking. Where players were encourage to take on challenges with friends and strangers many felt isolated. Outside from standard group missions more difficult takes, such as Raids and Hard Mode, could not be access through the matchmaking system. Currently The Division’s matchmaking system allows for players of similar level to find one another and meet other players within the game’s safely zone called The Green Zone. 

Currently players can located players looking for similar missions and tasks easily. If this same system will transfer to end game content is still yet to be seen. The game currently supports up to four players per-group, in past interviews it was stated that The Division will host up to eight-player raids. If this does exist in the final product giving strangers the chance to take on these challenges would be ideal in creating a stronger community instead of dismissing the idea all-together.

End Game Content

The Division,Endgame,Noobfeed,Ubisoft,

End game content is important to a game like The Division. Destiny failed to deliver any satisfying end game content at launch and many argue that it wasn’t until the end of Destiny’s expansion tree, The Taken King, that any truly triumphant content was delivered to gamers. To prevent this The Division needs loot that encourages players to complete the raid but a reason to keep collecting loot. One of the primary issues with The Taken King was it was the final expansion, outside from hard mode little reason pushed players to continue forward.

Character Customization

The Division,Noobfeed,Ubisoft,

Players want to feel distinct, not only through weapons and attributes but cosmetically. While you can equipped any assortment of body armor, gloves, tights, knee pads, gas masks and bags giving players the ability to change certain clothes and weapon colors, without worrying about statistics, would add another layer to an already deep character customizing system.

Those are some of our opinions, what are yours? Tell us in the comments below.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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