Comic: Leap Of Faith

It's time for morbidity and humor.

 by Daavpuke on  Dec 07, 2010

It's time for morbidity and humor: In an attempt to act like tomorrow's funeral isn't real, I spent all my time and attention to complete my very first web comic ever today. The final drawing is a bit more crude than the original sketches, but I had to redraw the entirety, as my scanner is dead also. Drawing things with a mouse isn't easy, so the result is still good for a first ever thing. It was inspired by my recent attempt to replay Super Mario Bros in celebration of his 25th anniversary. Enjoy Mario's Leap Of Faith:

NoobFeed - Web Comic 1 - Mario's Leap Of Faith

*click to enlarge*

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed.

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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