Community Blog - E3 Hangover Edition

General by Canana on  Jun 24, 2010

Hello and welcome to the latest Community Blog.The most important event about videogames took place last week and suffered a massive activity in terms of blogs, forum threads and updates about E3(yes,that is the name of the event).


For that purpose it was created a special board for users to discuss and check the games and the most important announcements that made the gaming world a very important part of this planet. Probably by this time, you have already check it out, but the discussion is still going on and I would suggest if you have missed it, go there before it vanishes, just like magic... coverage

It was the second year that the site covered the event, and I don't know about the rest of you but they did a extraordinary job in giving us the news, press conferences summary and spent countless hours in trying (with success) to keep up with the event schedule. On behalf of the NF community I would say this: Thank you!  On a time that progress is necessary to keep up with the general evolution, NF is evolving and I wish good luck for upcoming events.


User Blogs


There wasn't too many variety in terms of user blogs because E3 was the main point of discussion last week, still, there were a few that worth to mention:


Kinect: Project Natal finally comes to life

An In Depth-Look: Electronic Entertainment Expo - by davidck07

Meet the New Nintendo 3DS


Forum Threads


Not much to report lately, but our users are excused because despite the activity was high, there isn't too much to say. Just an old thread that is still vagabonding in the forums waiting for its end, and a new a fresh thread about an unique title, both threads are in the General Games Discussion Board:


The Ultimate Game Tournament - Final Four - by King

NoobFeed Discussion: Heavy Rain Edition - by David_D


Well, time for the credits and see you next time!

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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