Cookie as well as Pizza :P

General by BiZZy on  Jan 23, 2010

Hello there :)  Good news!!

Did you check your profile ?

I've just noticed that they finally arrived over mine :)These are the twos that I've got.


GOTY : Thanks for participating in our Game of the Year 2009 Awards. Power to the people!



GOTY Special : Thanks for playing a key role in our Game of the Year 2009 Awards. Much appreciated!



I don't know how many emblems were awarded for GOTY Event but till now I've seen these two. What a month of January we are having! Lots of new additions. I think there are more features to come by & the bugs will also be fixed in quick time :D


Oh & Design of News Hound Emblem has been changed :)

This was the previous one : Photobucket which is replaced by this : Photobucket  I like the new one more :)


Stay tuned & Good Day everyone :)

Mustafa Ruhun Nabi

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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