Preview by Kasp_Falco on  Jan 15, 2012

Code Chronos and Tomonobu Itagaki may be no more (facts that may not be unrelated), but Dead or Alive fans have finally got the sequel they've been waiting for since 2005. Yes, creepy Japanese porn-brawling returns to the 360, as do the officially confirmed Ayane, Hayate, Hitomi and Ryu. With more "dynamic attraction" in the environments than ever before, and surely more jiggle physics as well, this should be more than enough to sate you beat-'em-upskirt fans out there.

Hype: At least Ryu Hayabusa will be in one good game this year.

Hate: The PS3 version is going the guest route, with Kratos from God of War. Please none of that nonsense on the Xbox, okay?

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