Dealing With People In An Office Setting

Writing by Dramus on  Oct 29, 2010

So, breaking away from the usual gaming this gaming that, lets have a nice talk about people in the "Work Place". People in the work place are the morons, idiots, incompetent beings you spend most of your day and time with ( at least with the normal working human life) most of you who work in an office setting know that contrary to popular belief, working in an office far from means that you are working with a handfull (sometimes 2 handfulls) of people who have above average IQ levels. However, fast does your world crumble when you come to realize, that although you could be one of the youngest ones working in the also usually makes you the most sane and or the most rationally logical thinker of the group. by the way as a side note, i made a small research on my own a few years back and i proved that video games do improve your IQ levels, thought processes, logical and critical thinking patterns amongst other things.


Going back to those "Coworkers" as they are so properly called these days. Your average fellow Coworker is on most times, an under achiever for various reasons. These reasons usually are that they simply come to work because 1- they need the money , 2 - they have nothing to do at home or 3 - they are workaholics. Myself? i suffer from all 3 of them but i digress. When working in an office, you must always be open minded towards your peers, lest you upset the delicate non thinking process of most people. Patience is a must, actually scratch that...Patience is the most mandatory thing you must have in an office. For example, lets say you are on the phone with a client and then George(random name) passes by your desk and yells at the top of his lungs "YO! I FOUND A PAPER CLIP ON THE FLOOR!!!! IS IT YOURS!?" the first instinct that flows into your being is to activate your all weapons code from GTA3 and with that equipped, you want to pick up your stapler and just peg it at the guy. however, thanks to Patience, we dont do that.


However, lets be thankfull that we on most cases only get one George per office setting. Following that we have the Johns (yet another random name). Johns are more acceptable than Georges' because John's usually like to keep to themselves and take the world onto themselves. They are great workers and really dont bother anyone, are very knowledgeable and are willing to help those in need and are never ashamed to ask for help when they need it. So since John's are cool guys like us, they dont need to be discussed further.


Then we have Gregs (...not random this time) Gregs are the old ancient ones in the office. They know their stuff, are sane (mostly), have semi shady past, are very hard workers making them share reason number 3 from paragraph 2, and always have cool stories to tell about their younger wilder days. They also have a tendency to share a love for chainsaws, always wanting one in the office...kinda like me. In my opinion, a chainsaw should be part of EVERY office setting. Gregs usually have a dislike for new managements as new managements usually tend to screw up hard to get self acustomed work processes like specifically placed coffee breaks as well as many other processes..but i digress again.


No work place is complete without the Emotional one, Judy (back to random names). Judy's tend to have nervous breakdowns when approached with incomplete work/deadlines. Judys have a nack for breaking off into tears when they are told that they made a boo boo, or a mistake or anything that relates to the "mistake" Subject. although very nice, they are generally oblivous to what usually goes on around them and are on the most part carefree in nature. Judys are a pain to cover because just mentioning them makes me very very emotional to the point of wanting to go get a chainsaw from my local hardware store and bringing it to the office.


We also have your Ramons AND your Elizabeths (yes random as well). Ramon & Elis...these guys and girls are your special cases. No Office is complete without them. They are the life and joy of the office. They are the medeators, they are the counselors, they are mom and pops (regardless of age differences). by the way, Gregs sometimes do substitute for Ramons. These 2 folks love to organize office parties and love to keep everyone happy one way or another. Ramons and Elis are pretty self explanatory so i really wont divulge further into this subject.


Apart from those guys, we have the worker bees and your instigators (that means she is trying to get your goat) and your conspiracy theorists (can also apply to Gregs) but amongst these, we have the group i myself fall under. The Perpetually Bored Guys, PBG for short. PBG are highly rational thinkers who loathe and completely obhor idiocy and stupidity. This also includes Illogical work thought processes like doing things that would force someone else to do double work or just doing a process that would completely make the original task pointless. We are constantly bored at work (no matter how fun it may be) and we are usually the ones stuck in the middle back portion of the office looking "observing" how the office bees interact with the office ants. Also, on most occasions, we are also the geek/nerd squad in the office and usually go around fixing the computers when they start rebelling against the other users and what not. Yes, we keep skynet from getting control of our machines, we can do that...we are geeks, albeit undercover ones. However, keep in mind that although we are PBG, that does not mean we dont strive for fun. In fact, its thanks to us that Ramons & Elis have something to do! a small percentage of us have a hyper active disorder  and are constantly moving around and talking and very temperamental when it comes to idiotic mistakes and people asking the same questions over and over again.


Since this is getting long and most people wont read past the third paragraph and will skip to the last one, i will say that although the Office Setting has many different types of people, and we will sometimes want to take the chainsaw to them...we must always remember, that they are just your away from home disfunctional family that you spend 9 hours of your day with. and we will always love them...even if grudgingly.


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