Detroit: Become Human - Safe Harbor Trophy

How to cross into Canada safely

 by Grayshadow on  May 28, 2018

One of the more taxing trophies in Detroit: Become Human is the Safe Harbor trophy. Here Alice, Luther, and Kara must make it past the Canadian border alive. There's only one way to do this and here's how.

First off, everyone must be alive by the final character Battle for Detroit. When taking control of Kara make sure you avoid contact with the soldiers and save Luther.

Afterwards, take the checkpoint and input the following:

Alice Excuse
Stay Calm
Say Nothing
Say Nothing

When you take control of Kara again head to the upper right corner to a mother holding her child. After the cutscene pick up the tickets and don't give them back. Head onto the bus.

When at the checkpoint do the following:

Locate Rose, Jerry, and speak to Luther using Scan
Take to Rose in the bathroom
Sacrifice Jerry

Do this and everyone will make it to Canada and you'll get a trophy.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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