Doom Beta Impressions

If this is what I can expect from the final product waiting for Doom to release was well-worth it

 by Grayshadow on  Apr 19, 2016

This weekend I spent a significant amount of time blasting other marines in Doom. The intense action and fast-pace combat had me glued to my controller, accumulating points and customizing my soldier. If this is what I can expect from the final product waiting for Doom to release was well-worth it.

As you can see from my first time playing Doom dug its claws into me within the first 10 minutes of playing. Despite some visual companions to Halo the game is much faster. Shootouts are quick and frantic, requiring players to not only shoot accurately but maintain a consent momentum. If you’re able to land a melee attack when an enemy player is weaken you’ll automatically perform a brutal finisher, despite the hundreds of times I witnessed the same gory attack it was always entertaining.

The beta limits access to 2 maps, 1 demon, 2 modes, and 7 weapons. The seven weapons allow for long, mid, and short-range combat. The 2 modes, Team Deathmatch and Warpath which is domination with a constantly moving single-point objective, encouraged strong teamwork. It’s strange that the beta focused a lot on teamwork instead of giving players an option between solo and team based modes. The most entertaining portion of the beta was of course transforming into a Revenant.

This massive demon can dominate a regular solider. However as powerful as this demon was it wasn’t unstoppable, and if killed before the timer ran out a player from the opposing team could claim the rune and continue the rampage. Other powerful items such as the BFG and Quad-Damage gave more incentive to gather supplies before rushing into hostile areas.

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Surprisingly I never felt at a disadvantage, even when losing. Hack modules allowed me to shift my playstyle mid-battle when I felt I needed more armor or when knowing a certain power-up was going to pop-up. Load out customization gives you varied options of how you wish to setup your marine before battle.

The beta had a small sample of how much player’s can customize their marines. Weapons, armor, taunts, patterns, and even the pristine of your armor is changeable. People who are much more creative than myself will find a myriad of ways to mix and match these options 

Doom is a much more accessible game now. Where as most gamers would stray away from twitch shooters due to their high-competitive community and alarmingly fast reaction speed Doom tailors to both crowds. Players who aren’t confident in their skills in shooters can still pull off some decent shots because of primary weapons such as the rocket launcher while given precision shooters access to rifles. In the end I had a lot of fun playing the Doom beta and cannot wait to see how the final product turns out.

Doom is set to release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC May 13

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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