Drunken tales

People by Horgen123 on  Feb 18, 2011

Today was an interesting day at work(grocery store)...


So in comes this Polish guy. He is drunk, like really drunk and can't hide it. Don't know if he even tried to. He buy some light(those with less alcohol) beers. And then starts talking to me. I don't know what he. He was drunk and spoke Polish with a English word here and there. I think he has three kids. But I am not sure, maybe it was  wives. Comes from "River"... Or maybe he had a fourth kid/wife who died there. I don't know. Is there a place in Poland called something like "River"? He has a brother named Robin. Works out a lot, or maybe he worked at a gym... Or was it karate?!? Or got his ass kicked by some karate guy one time. I don't know. He kept talking. I didn't understand anything. Maybe he called me an idiot.. Or he talked about something else. He said something about a silver medal. Maybe it was huge, he kept doing something with his arms that lead me to think so. Or perhaps he had many of them, so he could fill up a shelf this big. It's hard to guess from a drunk polish guy speaking almost only Polish and has a unstable and illustrative body language. 

Told him to leave... He left... He came back... Told him to leave... He left... He came back... Told him to leave... He left... He didn't come back. 


Drunk people really makes your day something else than normal. 

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