Easy Guide To Use PS4 Remote Play On Your Computer
PlayStation by SnowWhite on Mar 01, 2019
Despite tough competition from major video game giants like Xbox and Nintendo, Sony’s PlayStation 4 is still a leader with over 90 million units sold. It is also estimated that every 1 in 4 households in the US owns a play station. With this as a trend, we can say that Sony’s PlayStation is the most consumed gaming device worldwide.
Like always, technology never fails to amaze and the Remote Play feature in PS4 is the perfect example. ‘Remote Play’, as you can guess by the name, is a feature that allows you to play PS4 games remotely on your Windows PC, Mac and even Sony Experia phones.
In this guide, we are going to walk you through the detailed steps on using the PS4 Remote Play feature on both Windows and Mac machines.
Getting started with Remote Play: Basic Requirements
Using the ‘Remote Play’ feature is fairly straightforward, but you are going to need a few things to get started.
- Your computer (PC or Mac).
- PS4 device.
- Dual Shock 4 Wireless Controller.
- A USB cable or a wireless adapter if you want to use the controller in wireless mode.
- An internet connection with high-speed.
As far as your computer is concerned, there are a few basic requirements to be met. If you are using a Windows PC, make sure it is Windows 10 or 8.1, both 32 and 63 bit will do. The processor should be Intel Core I5 or above and system should have a minimum of 2GB RAM and 100MB storage.
If you are using a Mac, make sure you have High Sierra or Mojave, a minimum of 2GB RAM and 40MB storage space.
The complete guide to use PS4 Remote Play on your computer
Step 1: Enable Remote Play on your PS4
Once you have the above requirements met, it is time to enable the Remote Play setting on PS4. To do so,
1. Go to Settings on the main screen.
2. Select Remote Play Connection Settings and check the box ‘Enable Remote Play’.
Note: You may have already set up your PS4 as ‘primary’ when you bought it, but if you haven’t done so already, doing it now is a good idea as it will help setting up Remote Play easily. To set PS4 as primary, just go to Settings > Account Management > Activate as your primary PS4 and click Activate.
Now that you’ve enabled Remote Play on your PS4 and made your PS4 as ‘primary’, all you have to do is connect the PS4 to your computer, which is explained in the next section.
Step 2: Use Remote Play on your computer
In order to start using Remote Play, you will have to connect the PS4 and your computer together and login to the Remote Play application. Just follow the below steps and you should be able to do so easily.
1. As a first step, download the Remote Play installation files. They are different for Mac and Windows, so be sure to download accordingly.
2. Switch ON your PS4 device.
3. Then connect the Dual Shock controller to your PC or Mac using a USB cable or you can use a wireless adapter connected to your computer’s USB port. Another option is to connect the controller to your computer using Bluetooth.
4. Open the Remote Play application on your computer and sign in using your PS4 credentials.
5. Now, the app will search for your PS4 and make a connection with it.
Once the two machines establish a connection, your Mac or PC will be ready to play PS4 games. As we’ve seen in this article, connecting the Dual Shock Controller and using Remote Play on your computer is really simple and straightforward. Similarly, you can also use a Sony Experia mobile or a PS Vita with your PS4 and stream games on it.
How to take care of your PS4 hard drive?
Your PS4 hard drive likely has a ton of games, installable files, videos, screenshots etc. already saved on it. And over time, even more files get added and in order to accommodate current files, you delete old files and this process continues. And then one day, you may find that all data is jumbled up, leading to a slow PS4 experience, bad sectors on the hard drive and even data corruption in worse cases.
Note: In the event that videos on your hard drive are corrupted, you can use any recognized corrupted video file repair tool to repair them. This tool has variants like MOV repair, AVI video repair that supports repair of MOV (and MP4) and AVI files respectively.
In order to repair damage caused to your PS4 hard drive due to build up and jumbling of files, you can try rebuilding the database. Doing this regularly will help prevent data mess up and keep your PS hard drive clean and organized.
Writer, NoobFeed
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