Final Fantasy XV Episode Ignis - How to Defeat Caligo

How to defeat the first boss of Final Fantasy XV's Episode Ignis

 by Grayshadow on  Dec 14, 2017

Caligo is the first of many bosses in Episode Ignis that you'll face. Fortunately, he's isn't that hard once you know what to do. 

Final Fantasy XV,Episode Ignis,NoobFeed,Square Enix,

When the battle begins Caligo will have several enemies fighting alongside him. The priority is to take them out. While simple cannon fodder, they can easier overwhelm Ignis if not killed.

Once Caligo is left use the Stormbind technique to avoid his legs and dash across the field. This will maximize damage and avoid getting hit. When available use Ignis' High Jump to finish the job and Caligo will go down easily.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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