Gaming Personality Test

Games by EliteEdge on  Apr 04, 2009 has a great personality test for gamers. If you havent taken it you really should try it. Its quick, easy, and very acurate. I am The Game Guru and it is a perfect discription of me.


The Game Guru
Deliberate Competitive Fun Veteran (DCFV)

Your knowledge of gaming knows no bounds, Game Guru. You are the person many gamers go to when they have questions and generally most of the time, you have the right answers for them. You are unlikely to tie yourself into just playing one game, as it limits your expertise and experience you may gain from play others. It seems you love to learn everything about games, - the characters, the secrets, the developer, etc. Perhaps you should start a blog if you haven't already.

You typically don't like to hang around too long within a game and therefore avoid the more socially demanding ones. Playing quick rounds or small sessions are more your cup of tea. Once you've had your fun, it's back to the magazines, gaming blogs, forums, and the like where you can share your vast knowledge of all things video games.


Here is the link to the site. You must be a member to take the quizz but it takes all of 5 seconds to sign up. Give it a try. What are you?


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