God of War III - Amazingly Amazing!!
Editorial by Canana on Mar 26, 2010
God of War III, a game that makes a perfect landing even after the technological leap between PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3.Kratos is back to complete a trilogy story that prompted an angry man's revenge on the heroes and villains of Greek mythology. set in a time immediately after the end of God of War II, Kratos climbs the Mount Olympus on the back of the Titan to eradicate the Greek pantheon, including Zeus, their leader. This is the great ambition of Kratos, and ambition is the key word to describe this masterpiece.The God of War series is one of the most popular franchises in the videogame industry. The third game of the Kratos adventure is simply the cherry on top. Also, it was curious to see how God of War III might work on a next/current generation of consoles. Don't forget one small detail, the series lost its director and there was something in the air saying that the next instalement wouldn't be so great.The answer ladies and gentlemen: Amazingly amazing!!
The game is a mature title, with lots of gore and blood. Every time you kill an enemie you have the feeling that you've accomplished your task, but when you advance in the story you'll encounter some more harder and bigger enemies. When played on easy mode God of War III is probably a cakewalk for most of the gamers, but if you want a bigger challenge, here's the answer: Titan Mode. You need to know the moves of the foe and apply the apropriated weapon.God of War III is the complete package: Excellent graphics, abdominal sountrack, great voice acting and perhaps one of t he most important things for a gamer: It's fun and it's worth it! When you finish the game, you should think that probably you've played one of the best games for the Playstation 3.
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