Goodbye Noobfeed
General by King on May 26, 2010
Not really. But seriously I hope people stop making these "joke" blogs.
Yesterday was my final day of school, so although I'll miss some of the people who I'm "kind of friends with but not really close" because I probably won't see them for three months. The good thing is I'm free of work, and now have plenty of time to do all kinds of things, being more active on Noobfeed as one of them.
I just finished my latest feature (I think it has been a while since my last one, not including the monthly updates). This one is on 11 Improvements for NBA 2K11, which means the majority of Noobfeed's population will not be interested in it, but I'd appreciate it if you can at least drop by and leave a comment. This has probably been the most fun I've ever had with writing anything video game related, it was just a cool topic for me to get my thoughts off on. Here is the link to it if you missed it on the front page.
That's about it for now. See you around the forums.
, NoobFeed
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