GOTY 2011 Platform

Welcome to our annual Game of the Year awards brought to you by the team at NoobFeed.

 by Fishdalf on  Jan 06, 2012

GOTY 2011, Platform, BurgerTime World Tour, LittleBigPlanet 2, Outland, Rayman Origins, Super Mario 3D Land, Best Puzzle Game

Our award for the best platform game has been scooped up by Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel over the past two years and those who have played either will understand why, with gameplay truly out of this world. The nominations this year have a lot to live up to – Super Mario 3D Land especially so. It’s not all about the plump plumber though, with Media Molecule and Ubisoft both having strong showings with their respective titles. BurgerTime World Tour, a blast from the past, comes up against some well-established goliaths of the genre.

GOTY 2011, Platform, BurgerTime World Tour, LittleBigPlanet 2, Outland, Rayman Origins, Super Mario 3D Land, Best Puzzle Game

BurgerTime World Tour  (PSN, XBLA)
It’s hard to imagine a Data East arcade classic getting sort of a re-imagining in this latest BurgerTime release from MonkeyPawGames. The 3D is in full-swing here, but you’ll still be making burgers and spraying your pepper shaker against evil hot dogs and pickle chips. World Tour can be challenging, but its classic gameplay remains solid even after (almost) 30 years since its release.

LittleBigPlanet 2  (PS3)
The arts & crafts-like charm of the first hasn’t lost its lustre, and with an expanded array of options to choose from, creating the potentially greatest bootleg versions of Zelda, Pitfall, Super Mario World, and others is more fully realized in LBP2. Whether you have a penchant for building some of the most creative levels known to man or you just want to play as much user-generated content as possible, this game has it all.

Outland  (PSN, XBLA)
Outland is a 2D platformer with a distinct focus on colour-coded gameplay; a contrast on red and blue colour motifs inspired from something like Ikaruga. On top of that, the game blends in action with a Metroidvania-like open world that has a catchy soundtrack, which greatly matches its remarkable visuals.

Rayman Origins  (PS3, 360, Wii)
It’s no surprise that Michel Ancel is no slouch when it comes to developing great games, and Rayman Origins is no exception. Packed with outstanding visuals, well-designed levels, and charm, this game is a delight to play from start to finish. Rayman Origins is a hearty tribute to classic platfomers, and it’s an absolutely wonderful experience you should experience for yourself.

Super Mario 3D Land  (3DS)
You may claim to know that Nintendo has just about squeezed out every ounce of ideas they could muster for Mario games, but 3D Land just proves that the highly popular franchise hasn’t lost its touch. The game combines traditional side-scrolling elements with the open-world nature of past Mario games, and manages to still make a familiar title, while introducing something new at the same time.

GOTY 2011, Platform, BurgerTime World Tour, LittleBigPlanet 2, Outland, Rayman Origins, Super Mario 3D Land, Best Puzzle Game

GOTY 2011, Platform, BurgerTime World Tour, LittleBigPlanet 2, Outland, Rayman Origins, Super Mario 3D Land, Best Puzzle Game

The only people who will be surprised by this result will be those who haven’t played Origins for themselves and taken in the gorgeous graphics, awesome audio and perfect platforming on show. Thank heavens Ubisoft ditched those Raving Rabbids and got back to business because this isn’t just the best platform game of 2011; it’s a contender for best of this generation and if it weren’t for Mario & Co. it may just be unquestionable. Michel Ancel, the games chief designer, deserves some form of award for his role in bringing this to life, because if marks were given out for graphics, creativity and level design he has achieved the first letter of his last name on all counts. We can only hope this is the start of a new chapter for Rayman because his rise back to the top has been long overdue.

Best Puzzle Game

Craig Bryan

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