Horace - How to Defeat the Brain
Defeat the Old Man's first creation
by Grayshadow on Oct 21, 2020
The Giant Brain isn't an easy boss as it relies on pattern memorizing while avoiding attacks. Here's how to beat it.
The first phase will have you performing a cheat code. This is the famous Konami code:
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B
To hit the bottom buttons stay on the floor and to hit the top buttons leap before tossing the balls.
The second phase is a series of platforming challenges with a first-person section in-between. During the first-person section just use the Action button to poke the brain and recharge your regenerative health when needed
The third phase is a guessing game. Just guess high or low.
The fourth phase is a matching puzzle. The brain will occasionally change the card location. If you see a missle you can avoid being hit by leap before it hits the reticle but leap too soon and you'll get hit.
The fifth phase is just hit all the cards. This can hellish but be defensive and hit them when you can. The final phase is the brain giving up and you putting it down.
Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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