How to bypass the Off-topic bug
Editorial by ILIAS on Jun 29, 2009
Until the admins manage a way to solve the current issue with the white page, here's how to enter and post into the off-topic board :)
Go to forums page without logging in, then click to the off-topic section and to the 1st page in one of the topics. Once you 're in your preferred topic's 1st page (e.g. Roll Call), attempt to log in Tell me if this works for everyone.
The problem is that this trick can only be done once. Once you attempt to click on "off-topic" board again, you get the white page. So you may have to log out again and follow the same path. BUT if you prefer to stay in this topic, you just refresh the page and see if you got a reply from someone :)
If you wanna log in in multiple off-topic threads do this. Follow the same method that I suggested and before logging in, open a couple of windows with different topics from the off-topic board (e.g. Roll Call, Sexy Wars, TSP Bar). Log in just one of them, then try refreshing the rest of them Credit should go to canana as well for the last paragraph :P
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