I need to you to pray for someone.

Rumors by Tanya on  Jul 17, 2009

ForestHump’s been missing for last couple of weeks and I couldn’t help asking him where he is. Then I came to know that his grandpa is in the hospital and is in the ICU. He’s staying with his grandpa and can’t make enough time. Please pray for his grandpa.

Not only ForestHump, but also few other members are missing in action. EliteEdge, bluezy, kelaidis and few more. Whatever they are doing I hope they make their comeback soon.
In the mean time, it’s nice to see our site writers are putting up a lot of articles/news lately. I’m really glad to see the contents are coming very good. Bravo to the NoobFeed writers :)

My summer breaks are over and new semester will start in about two weeks. This will definitely cut short my gaming schedule. I’m currently playing Prince of Persia, Need for Speed Undercover and Crusaders - Thy Kingdom Come. PoP has amazing graphics and I’m really loving it. I didn’t finish Undercover when I first bought it. So, I’ve planned to finish the game. Crusaders is a strategy game and it’s not bad. I’ve only played the first part of the campaign though.

I’ll end this blog with a rumor. Someone told me that there is an invisible board at the forum and certain users can post there. Lord knows what it is :o

Borna Tanya

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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