Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Guide | How To Solve Relic Door Puzzle

Here’s how you can solve the Relic Door Puzzle in Indiana Joens and the Great Circle.

Game Guide by Joyramen on  Dec 15, 2024

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle seeks to capture the magic of Indiana Jones, from its exhilarating chases to its treasure-filled puzzles. While recent films like Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Dial of Destiny have left fans divided, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle promise a more refined take. In this guide, we’ll show you how you can solve the Relic Door Puzzle and unlock the secret ending.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Xbox Series X, Gameplay, How To Solve Relic Door Puzzle, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Unlocking exploration books relating to relics will cause the relics to be visible on your map in the game. You can check the number of relics you have at the moment by pushing right on the d-pad. You need to have all 50 relics in your inventory for the achievement of collecting them all. 

Once you've gathered all 50 relics, fast-travel to the final map and take the elevator down, but instead of going through the door ahead, take the path to your right. Open your journal here to notice a note behind the wall. This wall will unlock automatically once you solve the puzzle.

How the Puzzle Works

  • Place a relic into one of the slots.
  • Turning the relic to the right raises all pieces in the same row and column.
  • Turning it to the left raises all the pieces surrounding the relic.

The goal is to solve the puzzles using as few relics as possible. If you make a mistake, reset by returning the relic to its neutral position. While multiple solutions exist, here's an optimal strategy:

Panel 1: Use 11 Relics

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Xbox Series X, Gameplay, How To Solve Relic Door Puzzle, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Panel 2: Use 12 Relics

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Xbox Series X, Gameplay, How To Solve Relic Door Puzzle, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Panel 3: Use 13 Relics

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Xbox Series X, Gameplay, How To Solve Relic Door Puzzle, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Panel 4: Use 14 Relics

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Xbox Series X, Gameplay, How To Solve Relic Door Puzzle, Screenshot, NoobFeed

This setup uses exactly 50 relics to complete all four panels. Once you finish, the secret ending will unlock.


Also, check out our Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Review and other guides below:

Joy Rahman

Editor, NoobFeed

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