Interview: Howard Collings | Producer & Host At TryHard's NXT LVL

We spoke to Howard Collings, host for TryHard's NXT LVL, a gaming and esports recap show on Snapchat Stories and IGTV.

People by Admin on  Aug 28, 2019

We spoke to Howard Collings working at IMGN Media in New York! He is a host for TryHard's NXT LVL, a gaming and esports recap show on Snapchat Stories and IGTV. It was great speaking with Howard and let’s hear what he has to say about the gaming industry.

Interview, Howard Collings, Producer, Host, TryHard's NXT LVL


NoobFeed: Tell us a little about yourself and your background.

Howard Collings: My name is Howard! I was born and raised in North Carolina and spent most of my life in the south. I graduated with a degree in Broadcasting at Appalachian State University, and I moved to New York in September 2018 to start my job at IMGN Media. I’ve been playing video games since I was five. My gaming taste is all over the place! I started off with racing and sports games, and currently I’m playing shooter games and MMOs!


NoobFeed: What are your duties at IMGN Media?

Howard Collings: I am the lead editor of TryHard and co-host of NXT LVL. TryHard is a gaming and esports brand that posts funny content and news every day on Snapchat and Instagram. NXT LVL is a show hosted by me, Thyst, and Carlos. We are on Snapchat and Instagram, and we’ve started uploading the episodes to YouTube as well. As a part of the show, I’m also involved with script writing and production.


NoobFeed: As a professional streamer, what trends have you noticed in the gaming industry recently? Do you support where it’s heading?

Howard Collings: In the last two years, battle royale games becoming the “mainstream” genre of games has been an interesting climb. Two years ago, if you told me that Fortnite would be the game to break into pop culture, I would have laughed at you. But the industry is changing, and people are becoming more aware of how awesome video games are. Free-to-play and GaaS (games as a service) games are shifting the industry to make games last longer. I personally love those models, since it gives you incentive to come back and play your favorite games. Gaming can only continue to improve, so any trend is great as long as we continue to break the barriers in the entertainment industry.


NoobFeed: Esports focuses on its social aspect a lot these days. Do you think there’s a lot more potential in terms of the social aspect of Esports than there currently is?

Howard Collings: Absolutely. Many teams and pro players are increasing their brand through social media, which esports was lagging behind for a long time. OpTic Gaming and FaZe Clan were truly the first esports organizations to push the social aspect, and it set a huge standard for the entire industry. There are so many ideas that haven’t been touched yet with esports, and we could be seeing these ideas sooner rather than later.


NoobFeed: What is the most challenging part of your job?

Howard Collings: Decision-making. The gaming and esports industry is always changing. When we are deciding topics to use for TryHard or NXT LVL, we try to shift into what works best for both brands. Some topics we use on NXT LVL will not work on TryHard and vice-versa. Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we don’t. Trends and public interest change every day, so for me, deciding what is best for us to use for content is the hardest part.


NoobFeed: Have you ever gone above and beyond the "call of duty" for making videos?

Howard Collings: If you mean giving it over 100%, I feel that I am always doing that. I never stop working. Even in my free time, I may see a news headline or a funny meme and instantly I think “we can use that on our Snapchat.” Being committed to the work I’m doing and being willing to go the extra mile for content is what I do normally!


NoobFeed: Have you ever received negative feedback on a piece of your video? What was your response?

Howard Collings: Of course! An example of this: I was told on a few episodes of NXT LVL that I shout on-camera, and to me I never noticed how loud I actually sound. I took that feedback as a way to improve, and I’ve found a different tone to where I sound energetic but not yelling at our audience. Every publication is going to get hate, and you have to choose which comments will stick to you so that you can improve. I always strive to improve and I try to stay positive and take those comments as a new opportunity to be better.

Interview, Howard Collings, Producer, Host, TryHard's NXT LVL


NoobFeed: What have you found to be the best way to monitor the performance of your work and/or the work of your team?

Howard Collings: I’m a person who strives to put in as much effort as possible. Sometimes I feel that I work too hard, but the best way I monitor performance is how much effort am I putting in


NoobFeed: We all have experienced this at least once. Will you share an experience when your ethics and patience were tested? How did you keep your emotions in check?

Howard Collings: Reminding myself that we will always go through many challenges in life and that this is one setback on your path. I face a ton of roadblocks not only in my job, but also in my mental and physical health. Trying to remind yourself that this is a roadblock helps put you in a positive mindset.


NoobFeed: What in gaming excites you the most? Outside of work, how much time do you spend playing video games in an average week?

Howard Collings: The future. When it comes to gaming, it’s an industry that is always evolving with creative ideas. I always get excited on upcoming game releases and the new consoles, so just seeing the industry innovate makes me ecstatic for the future. Out of work, I play over 22 hours per week. When I’m not spending time with family or friends, I am playing video games.


NoobFeed: What experiences would you personally like video games to deliver in the future?

Howard Collings: As we get closer to VR becoming a mainstream experience, I would love to see how VR can work in esports. Some companies have tried this, but I think we are still a few years away to seeing how VR technology can be used in the competitive gaming realm. The possibilities are endless!


NoobFeed: As a streamer, you get a lot of developers trying to get your attention and to play their games, but they may not know the best ways. Do you have any tips that you can impart to make their pitches towards you and other streamers more effective?

Howard Collings: For us, we have a tougher time of having conversations with developers since we are mainly a Snapchat and Instagram brand. The best way is to do research on each brand or streamer before you contact them. It sounds very simple, but doing the research goes a long way in establishing connections.


NoobFeed: With so many streamers trying to reach the same target audience segment, do you think the correct messages are being spread across?

Howard Collings: I think that the correct messages are being spread. Streaming is not an easy task. It takes a ton of time and dedication to grow as a streamer. It’s not as simple as hitting the LIVE button and playing a game. You have to be entertaining in your own way, and most of the streamers I watch spread that message to upcoming content creators. Working hard and staying motivated can take you far in life!


NoobFeed: Why is it important for gamers to maintain a healthy lifestyle? What advice would you have for a gamer looking to take the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle?

Howard Collings: Well, first I need to take that approach myself! But seriously, if you are looking to improve your lifestyle as a gamer, the first step is your eating habits. When I was younger I used to snack all the time while I played. Junk food gets old at some point, so if you do snack, grab a banana or an apple and cut down on the junk food you eat. That’s the easiest step to take, and then once you feel healthier, make that next step to get exercise.

Interview, Howard Collings, Producer, Host, TryHard's NXT LVL


NoobFeed: What are the future plans for Howard A Collings?

Howard Collings: Right now, I am enjoying my time working on TryHard and the NXT LVL brand. Gaming is a huge passion of mine, but I also have other passions in different forms of entertainment. So for me, I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I can’t predict the future, all I know is that there are many things I want to do, and it’s about taking life one step at a time to get there!


Tons of thanks to Howard for doing the interview with us. We wish him all the very best with all of his ventures. Keep up with Howard Collings by following him on twitter.


Admin, NoobFeed

Craig Bryan

Admin, NoobFeed

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