Interview: Jennifer Nguyen

We spoke to an incredibly sexy geek Jennifer Nguyen and talked about her passion for video games and cosplay.

 by RON on  Jan 12, 2014

This week I had the great opportunity to chat with Jennifer Nguyen who you may know specializes in glamour modeling, but off the camera she is a hardcore gamer. She loves FPS games with Halo, COD and Battlefield being among her favorites. Speaking to Jennifer was an amazing experience, and I hope you all enjoy the interview.

Jennifer Nguyen,Interview,Greek,Girl Gamer,Sexy Gamer,Photo

Ron: We all know the model Jennifer Nguyen very well. Tell us something that we don’t know.

Jennifer: Besides how to pronounce my name the right way "new-win" aka Jenuine, I don't really hide anything at all. Hmm.. I am actually really thinking hard to try to come up with something, but you guys pretty much know all of the weird and good of me! That’s why we are going to be friends forever *wink* [haha].

Ron: You’re undoubtedly the sexiest gamer we’ve come across so far. How did you come to like video games so much? Do you get enough time to play games during your busy schedule?

Jennifer: I started off by trying out a game that my ex bought for his computer - Battlefield, and I was at home one day and was like meh...let's just play it. I started the campaign and fell in love with it! I finished that game and wanted to play other games. Call of Duty was next. I should have known anyways....I always play the shooting games at the arcades. Have you guys heard of the game "Time Crisis”? I finished the whole game at the arcade one time. Cost me like 30 bucks with a friend [haha]. I bought an Xbox Halo limited edition console last Dec. and from there got tons of games to play. Dead Island was by far one of the games that drained my life away. I sat there for a week straight playing at least 8 hours a day, unless I had to go to work. People would come home at like 5am and I would still be sitting in the same spot playing the game. I even apologized to my family at dinner because I knew all they had been hearing was shooting, screaming, zombie screaming and slicing [haha]. It's a good thing my family is mostly guys so they totally understood I needed to finish the game! As for my busy schedule...If I am addicted to a game...I need to finish it....I'll get ready and go do what I need to do, but once I'm done I'm coming home to le game [haha] 

Ron: Behind the camera everyone knows you as a geek girl who loves comics and superheroes. If you were to play as a super heroine, who would she be and why?

Jennifer: Hmmm... I don't really pay as much attention to the ladies as I should [haha]. I really like Chung Li from Street fighter though. I always wanted to dress up as her for Halloween. As for super clue....I feel like they’re all just girl versions of the man. If I had to really pick I'd say Spider Girl since I love Spiderman! [haha] 

Jennifer Nguyen,Interview,Greek,Girl Gamer,Sexy Gamer,Photo

Ron: We’ve seen you cosplaying comic characters, and you truly looked incredible dressing up as Wonder Woman. Why have you never cosplayed a video game character that you like?

Jennifer: [haha] I was just talking about this in the last question! I want to be Chung Li or even she is smoking hot [haha]. I would love to wear her costume. Meeooowwww prrrrrrrr. Maybe it'll happen. *wink*

Ron: As a female, you probably get quite a few rude and sexist comments. How do you deal with that and does it ever affect you?

Jennifer: Oh man...I get too many sexist comments, but I do lingerie better terms "I'm asking for it", so it's easy for me to ignore them. They're all usually the same thing "Sexy", "Hey baby I wanna fu*k you." Sometimes they don't even know how to write in English so it’s like "u bb me sex ok?" [haha]. It's funny, but when you're scrolling through pages and pages of messages in your inbox they all start to look the same and blurry, and then it's hard to spot a genuine msg. I try my best to fish them out though. I can't reply to everybody, but I do try to read them all. The rude comments used to hurt my feelings when I was younger, but now I just learn that not everybody can be good and I can't change everybody. People are just closed minded and from all the traveling I’ve done I know there are sooooo many different types of people and soooo many different types of beliefs so I will never judge somebody just because I do something different. How does that saying go..."Don’t judge me because I sin differently like you" it's true.

I had a forum online about me one time and it was like 30 pages long of just pure hate and hurtful comments like " I wouldn't even fu*k her with two paper bags on," "I wouldn't even bang her with a 6 ft stick," or "She’s a man." At first it's funny but after the 20th something page it can start to get to you. I started thinking they were right and being all insecure with myself, but my friends all helped me through it and now I really don't care what they say. "You can be the ripest, juiciest, nicest peach around and there will still be somebody who hate peaches." This industry is cruel sometimes. I'm not doing this for the attention of men. It's a job just like any other job. It's not just laying there and looking pretty. It's a business. I want to always spread the word of beautiful to all the ladies. I really believe everyone is beautiful in their own way and there is no RIGHT way to be pretty. Society has us all believing there’s a certain look for it...but it isn't true at all.

Jennifer Nguyen,Interview,Greek,Girl Gamer,Sexy Gamer,Photo

Ron: Are you excited about Next-gen gaming? Which console do you prefer Xbox One or PlayStation 4? Which console have you used  the most for playing games?

Jennifer: Oh my god am I ever excited! Since I've been in Asia I couldn't bring the Xbox with me so I want to get a new console! I'm thinking PlayStation 4, but I did hear a lot of good things about the Xbox One as well. Man...I still haven't made up my mind..I wish I could just have both! ...Can i?....Of course i can! [haha] 

Ron: We know that you are a FPS fan and you love to play Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Left 4 Dead etc. What is one of your favorite moments in a video game and why?

Jennifer: I only like to play shooting games, but I always love playing a game and only using melee weapons. Especially when I surprise somebody and just stab them [haha]. The score would come up at the end and I always win in melee weapon use.  I like being in control so I plan what to do and what actions to take to kill a boss or finish a stage - tell people where to stand and who's coming [haha].

 Ron: What is your go to game if you need cheering up?

Jennifer: Anything to do with zombies! Left for Dead 2 is so far my ultimate game! 

Ron: If you could live in any game universe, which would it be and why?

Jennifer: Hmmmm...that’s a tough one....they're all usually either being taken over by aliens or zombies, or the world is at I don't think any of that would be good in real life [haha]. The world of Halo would be amazing! The graphics in Halo 4 were mind blowing! I think if anything, Halo or zombies [haha], I would be so pro in a zombie take over! Follow me!!

Jennifer Nguyen,Interview,Greek,Girl Gamer,Sexy Gamer,Photo

Ron: What recent games are you looking forward to playing?

Jennifer: Before I left for Asia Dead Island 2 came out and I wanted to play that so I'm looking forward to finally getting my hands on that. I also heard Splinter was very good too.

Ron: Do you have any interesting upcoming plans? What can fans expect to see from you in the near future?

Jennifer: Oh...I have a ton of things happening in the next year, it's almost hard to believe. I am hoping to get more involved with my nerds out there [haha], perhaps do an appearance at a game convention or even work with a game company. Right now I am just taking over Asia until next summer then I will be back in Canada. I will be traveling all over Asia next year and it's going to be insane! I have a lot of magazine features coming out soon and am working on my YouTube channel. I also have my calendar and shirts coming out soon so make sure to follow me on my social media to keep up with everything! 

Ron: Is there anything you want to do to surprise your fans at NoobFeed?

Jennifer: Alright.....I'm sending you a NUDE picture of me RIGHT NOW! Nothing on besides Halo helmet and a Xbox control on my crotch. SURPRISE! [haha] I am so happy to know I have fans on NoobFeed! If only girls know the good guys are the nerds in this world they would be so happy.  Took me a little time to figure that one out with all the jocks and jerks in the way...but now I want to let all the ladies know where to find you guys! To the lab! [haha] Just kidding but for real you guys rock!

Jennifer Nguyen,Interview,Greek,Girl Gamer,Sexy Gamer,Photo

Thanks again for interviewing me. It was a really fun interview to answer and it was different from my usual QnAs. Hope to see you guys in the game world. Until your back. [haha] Just kidding. <3 

A big thanks to Jennifer for taking the time to talk with us! We look forward to hearing about your upcoming projects and wish you continued success! Keep up with Jennifer Nguyen on her website, give her a like on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter!

Sarwar Ron, NoobFeed
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Sarwar Ron

Admin, NoobFeed

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