Interviewing: Borna Sharmin

People by Canana on  May 07, 2010


Username: Tanya. Know as one of the nicests users around the site, always have something to say  about NoobFeed and always posts with a smile. She is also responsable for user interviews and really does a great job to introduce NF members to the rest of the community. However, someone has to interview her and the right time has come. Without further ado, Borna Sharmin.



canana - Tell us what do you think about NoobFeed. From the moment that you have joined, until the present day. What has changed since then?


Tanya - NoobFeed is the friendliest online community ever. It’s still juvenile and growing fast with the hard work of some of the most talented personal I’ve ever known online. I consider NoobFeed as a part of my life and day by day I’m getting more attached to it. A lot has changed during this year. New features were added, site contents are growing, bugs are being constantly fixed and more features will be added soon. It is not easy to reach such level, when its age is only a year and half.



canana - You have an unique emblem, the one that carries the responsibility of being a security guard. What is the feeling? NOTE: This was asked before biZZy's promotion.


Tanya - Being the Security Guard I get the privilege to work with our site officials. I enjoy coordinating with them and learning at the same time. My responsibility is completely community based and user related, and that’s what I love most about my place.



canana - What is your favorite game and genre?


Tanya - I have only one favorite game. Tomb Raider series. I’ve been playing this series from the very first Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness game. I love Lara Croft’s personality and I enjoy playing being her. So, it’s obvious that my favorite genre is Action Adventure. However, I do play other genres as well. Age of Empire is also one of my favorites. I have played most of its releases except the very last one of AoE III series.



canana - There are great games for us to play, and there are the others, the so called not-so-great games. Have you ever played at least one of those games?


Tanya - I’m very picky when it comes to buying games. I check the reviews and ask my friends when I play any game. So it’s hard to name a game that I didn’t like much. Now that I have to mention one game, I’d say Castle Fantasia is the not-so-great game I have played.



canana - People born, grow up, get old and die, that's life. What is your life objective?


Tanya - I want to grow up and become a lawyer. I’m studying Law and very much on target. My father runs a very successful business and he expects me to take over the responsibility after I graduate. Thus, my objective is to graduate from college, finish my higher education and join my family business.



canana - This is a classic question, quite old I must say. Do you remember the very first game that you have played?


Tanya - Duke 3D is the very first game I have played.



canana - You were asked to save the world, but you are on your own. What would be your reaction?


Tanya - Where the hell is Ron!?



canana - What kind of games do you like more to play: The ones that takes around 8-10 hours to complete, or the ones that takes more than 50 hours? But they provide the same fun, which means that they are great games.


Tanya - As long as any game is fun playing, time won’t be a big factor. But if I need to pick one, I will go for the 50 hours one. Because the fun will continue for longer time.



canana - That would be all, thanks for your time answering my questions. Is there anything that you would like to say in your defense? :P


Tanya - I’d like to give you a very sweet smile and thank you at the same time. It’ve been a wonderful feeling answering your questions. All, I want to say to the readers is that don’t give up on NoobFeed; as this site is very young. In upcoming years, it will grow better and being part of something from the beginning will make you feel proud. The future of this site depends a lot in our hands. If we show our little support, it can have a glorious future and we all can be very proud of ourselves for such contributions. So, let’s help NoobFeed and create a better example for the future generation Noobs to follow.

Marco Cecilio

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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