iPod Touch/iPhone Users: Must Download
Games by King on Jul 06, 2009
I've been looking for new apps to try out for my iPod Touch, and while browsing the App Store I came across something called F.A.S.T. (Fleet Air Superiority Training) and it was only $1.99. Yes $2! This game if the missions were made longer and a few more were added would be costing $20-$30 if it were on the PSP. If you couldn't tell from the picture above, F.A.S.T. is an air-combat game. It features a good amount of missions to complete and many different planes to unlock. But the highlight is the ability to dogfight over Wi-Fi. Yes that's right. You can fight friends or random people from all over the country. And these matches work very well if you have a good connection. The gameplay is very solid, the controls take a little while to get used to but once you do it feels great. The graphics are also some of the best on the system. When in motion it looks awesome, almost as good as an early PS2 game would have. This is only $2 so if you own either an iPod Touch or an iPhone this is a must buy for you.
Let me know if you get it so we can play online.
Subscriber, NoobFeed
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