It's harder to dummy down than to learn from scratch

Games by RedWolf37 on  Oct 08, 2011

Hey everybody. It's Wolf again. I just reviewed Resident Evil 4 HD, you can check it out if you like. But what I really want to talk about is actually learning how to play this game all over again. It was a pretty rough ride the first few hours of the game. I was dying and dying again and again. It's pretty funny how the human brain re-configures it-self to each new console and generation of games that comes out. It almost feels as if with each new generation of games that comes out, the games get easier. It's almost like the developers are dummying down the game for a better and easier learning experience. But back on to my struggles, after a while, everything came back to me and I was kicking Gonado butt before chainsaws we're getting raved up. It's not a matter if the fact that the game was hard, because the game was hard when I first played, but now is easy. But having to learn how to learn to play a game that is this old, all over again is what really gets me. I already know how to play, but because our brains have been configured to this new generation of consoles, it’s like the total tough factor is gone. Even when I play old NES/SNES games, I am really impressed on how us gamers we're able to handle how hard those games were too. For example you play Street Fighter IV and the game is easy. But you "downgrade" back to Street Fighter II and the games hard as heck! If you took today’s generation of gamers and sat them down on a NES/SNES, they're going to struggle bad with it and I think they probably couldn't handle it. I even feel the same way about the Halo games on the original XBox. Those are much harder to play than the new Halos today.


So a little message to you guns, you got it real easy today, play from my generation. But all I am trying to say is, it was a lot harder than that it is now. Also to go and re-learn an old game is really, really hard. It was much easier to learn from scratch vs., to go back and learn it all over again.

Chris Obsorne

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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