Its The Day that comes every year
Other by Darksider on May 22, 2010
Well Its my Birthday today till now i am having fun as i am treated as a king :P but that won't last for long as i have a physics exam on monday as the final exams started reall early this year , man it sucks ...
SO how is everyone ??? sorry my activity level is dropping but exams will always be exams !!
I finished POP Not me atleast but my bro! and i am very much addicted to Red Dead redemption as its one of the best game i have seen rockstar make so far! (GTA Hater :P )
@Tanya this isn't the blog i was talking about , but when i made the previouse blog i forgat that my B-day is coming!! u have to wait till the end of the exams for that one :D ;)
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