Kitaria Fables - Pearl Location

Get a pearl

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 04, 2021

The Pearl is a rare item needed for powerful magics, equipment, and for Pumpkin to unlock Pumpkin Seeds. Here's where to locate them.

Kitaria Fables,NoobFeed,Pearl,

The Pearl is only available after unlocking the Mountain Field to the north. This is story progression so you'll get here eventually. The enemy you need to kill is the East Karst Hills called the Snowmonster. This mini-boss does heavy frozen spells, so having the Shark Hat from the chest in Canini Beach will help a ton. That and fire magic.

It's not a tough fight once you have those items, it'll drop a pearl once defeated.

A video guide is available here.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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