Legend of the West
General by David_D on Jun 11, 2010
Well, I have been very busy with Red Dead Redemption when I have had the time for it. I've gotten some good hours in with it, but really haven't made huge progress mission wise. I did complete all the challenges though (very time consuming) and unlocked the Legend of the West outfit which increases your Dead Eye Ability, or so it says, since I didn't have a chance to mess around with that tonight since I have to get to bed for work tomorrow soon. Which is also what I've been working on since completing the challenges for the most part (unlocking outfits) and a few more stranger missions completed. There are a lot of outfits to unlock for the game and I do have 4 or 5 of them unlocked and a few really close, but also still a lot of to do with them as well so I hope to finish that off tomorrow night after work (if I don't go to the bar, which I don't think I will as of right now).
I also thought I had most of the really time consuming things out of the way with the challenges (which I should have used the in game maps to do faster but wanted to do it like a big boy all on my own for the Survivalist Challenge :P) but then I ran into the first part of the game that really gave me a lot of problems. Which was, needless to say, Poker. FetusZero listened to me complain about it for a while and got a good laugh from it on WLM and went to bed before I actually finished the Poker mission I had to do for the outfit. Shortly after he went to bed though I finally beat the jerk that kept me tied up for over a few hours and got that part out of the way for one of the outfits. I did find it amusing that Poker so far has been the hardest thing for me since I am fairly good at it in real life and have never had a problem with video game poker before. I found the computer AI to be very good in this game though, and very realistic, since I was expecting an easy time of it and was really surprised. I don't know if they had things stacked in the computer AI's favor a little since it was for something towards an outfit or I just played poor poker. Some of it was my fault once I finally realized what I was doing wrong though, but I'm not going to say what that is because I hope for others to have that same sense of accomplishment if they have a hard time figuring it out as well. I notice there is one more outfit I have to win at poker for so I am going to try and get that one out of the way early tomorrow night when I get home, hopefully I don't have as much trouble with it tomorrow night now that I think I have the computer figured out a little better. So wish me luck on that haha.
I also plan on doing at least one more video over the weekend for the game as well depending on how smooth my in game progress goes since I do still have a lot of little things left before finishing up the story missions which I am saving for last, that way once I am done with the story missions I know I am done with the game altogether and can start on my 2nd playthrough as an Outlaw (also a much faster playthrough next time since I will be using fast travel and won't be doing the challenges and that sort of thing). I already have an idea for the video, but I'm open to requests as well so if you do happen to have any then let me know and I will see if I can work it into the video. :) I'll also be making a pass through the forums before going to immerse myself in the wild west again tomorrow night, so make sure to leave me some things to reply to while I'm making my way around the boards. :)
Also, how are the rest of you that are playing this game doing on Red Dead Redemption? I know SvV_Ying (If I got the user name wrong I am sorry, I am too lazy to go look right now :P) finished and reviewed this game already so he's probably moved on to something else already, but King is still playing the game last I knew so how are you doing with your gaming progress? Also, anyone else playing this game on here (I know Sleven is planning on getting it but I don't think he has yet). What about you Horgen, are you playing this yet or have you not been able to pick it up yet? I know Ron is sold on the game but is really busy so it will probably be a while before he gets it, but I'm definitely interested to see his take on the game. :) Anyone else playing this amazing (IMO) game currently or plan to soon?
Have a great night everyone and see you around the forums tomorrow night when I get home from work. :) Until then take care and I hope everything is going great for you. Happy Gaming and Happy Posting!
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