LEGO DC Super-Villains - NYCC 2018 Hands-On Preview
Whether you're a fan of DC or action-adventure games LEGO DC Super-Villains is something worth keeping on your radar
by Grayshadow on Oct 05, 2018
The LEGO video games have always carried a heartwarming charm that appeals to both adults and children. LEGO DC Super-Villains follows this theme by providing wonderfully entertaining situations with some of DC's best villains. It's not a challenging adventure but fans of the DC universe and gamers looking for a good time will find a lot to love about LEGO DC Super-Villains.
The demo we played had us in control of a custom character on Striker's Island. After Lex Luthor stages a breakout you team up with Superman's archnemesis along with his loyal servant Mercy to get out of Striker.
Over the course of the adventure, you'll team up with other notorious figures such as Solomon Grundy and Cheetah. Each one has a set of unique abilities that you must utilize such as Mercy's wall-jumping, Luther's hovering and puzzle solving tactics, and Grundy's strength. Each one of the characters also shared incredible voice-acting, hearing Joker and Harley talk to one another was one of the biggest highlights of the entire demo.
The puzzles come in your standard platforming challenges, sliding puzzle, and tubes. Puzzles are basic enough and much of the challenge is non-existent since checkpoints are ample and your characters are very powerful. Switching between each of the playable villains does offer a large degree of variety and its exciting to try out each one of them out.
Building plays another massive role in LEGO DC Super-Villains. Just like previous games players will disassemble LEGO parts and rearrange them to suit the player's need. It's very relaxing to hear all those LEGO parts click together to make something brand new.
What brings the entire game together is the writing and choreography. Everyone from the villains to the heroes each provides charm and humor to the story. Whether it's Flash's quick wit or Batman's confidence. The developers have captured the pure essence of each of these incredible characters in this PG setting while providing their own take on the notorious characters. It's unfortunate that your own custom character gets lost in the calamity.
LEGO DC Super-Villains is a suiting up to be a brightly entertaining title that stars DC's darkest villains. All the aspects from past LEGO games are still here but now the focus has shifted to the villains without sacrificing any of the charms the franchise is known for. Whether you're a fan of DC or action-adventure games LEGO DC Super-Villains is something worth keeping on your radar.
LEGO DC Super-Villains launches on Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Nintendo Switch this October 16th.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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