Level 52 - Zigoton

Other by Canana on  Feb 13, 2011

Zigotons are the main opponents in Patapon 1.Their main goals is stopping the Patapons making disasters and after that protect the Patapons from all danger. They are squarish and black and have a red eye, in contrast to the white eye color and round shape of the Patapons. The first Zigotons you will encounter are at a novice rank, and they have basic wooden weapons.

As the game progresses, Zigotons are equipped with powerful weapons, such as Flame Bows, and Scorching Spears. There is an elite version of Zigotons, called the professional Zigotons, who wear wool caps and are always better equipped (Flame Weapons, Heavy Shields etc.). They appear to be the bodyguards, or personal army of Gong the Hawkeye.

Source: patapon.wikia.com

Marco Cecilio

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