Life is Strange 2: Episode 3 Wastelands Collectables Guides
Get all the optional collectables in Life is Strange 2: Episode 3 Wastelands
by Grayshadow on May 10, 2019
Life is Strange 2: Episode 3 Wastelands follows in the footsteps of the previous episodes. Including incredible characters, profound decisions, and optional collectables. Those seeking to obtain all the trophies or achievements in Life is Strange 2 will need to get all of episode 3's collectables. Here are the locations for all the collectables in episode 3 of Life is Strange 2.
1. When you enter your tent head to the tree stumps in front of you. There should be a dog sitting by the trees. Pet the dog, follow it to the next location. Pet the dog again and it'll lead you to the collectable.
2. The next collectable is available when you're cutting marijuana. You must cut at least 8 plants to earn the collectable.
3. When heading back to camp you'll briefly talk to Finn. When you to separate you can find him sitting back a tree near Cassidy. Simply talk to him and wait for Finn to toss the piece of wood he's craving. Head to where he tossed it and grab it.
4. When training with Daniel Sean will recommend they go past a big log. Take a 180 and next to a bunch of broken branches is a fossil.
5. After being fired from your position you'll be at camp during night time. Speak to Cassidy and she'll mention giving you a tattoo. Do it to get the collectable, doesn't matter which one.
6. After speaking to Cassidy about the tattoo, go talk to Ingrid by the fire. She'll tell you she's throwing away stuff and it's yours. Head to her camp and grab the items.
7. This collectable can be collected either with Finn and Daniel or with Cassidy. When in Big Joe's parking lot trying to open the doors to his car. When the next part of the story is triggered, head to the toolbox by the workbench, pick up the screwdriver and use it to open the metal box on the left side of the bench. Once you grab the keys inside, head to the metal cabinet by the fence leading to Joe's home. Inside you'll find tape, a hammer, and cartridges. "Look" at the cartridges than "Pick" them up to earn the final achievement.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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