Life is Strange True Colors Chapter 1 All Memory Locations

The location of all hidden collectables in chapter 1 of Life is Strange True Colors

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 11, 2021

Life is Strange: True Colors is full of collectables that offer more insight into the characters in this story. Here are the locations for all 5 of them in chapter 1. Remember to use Alex's ability to see into the item's emotional connection and you can revisit chapters after beating them.

Life is Strange True Colors,NoobFeed,

Sub Chapter Title: Just Like Old Times

Riley's Note

After the fight between Gabe and Mac in Alex's new apartment, you can look around. The first collectible is on the desk close to the kitchen and opposite the bed.

Life is Strange True Colors,NoobFeed,


By where Gabe was slammed by Mac you can find the crack. It's a bit hard to see but it's the opposite of the arcade machines.

Life is Strange True Colors,NoobFeed,

Sub Chapter Title: First Day on the Job

Business Card

This is behind the bar opposite the side of where Jed is located.

Life is Strange True Colors,NoobFeed,

Sub Chapter Title: Searching for Ethan


This is by the left side of the mining tunnel where Gabe and Ryan are located. It's by a giant yellow tube.

Life is Strange True Colors,NoobFeed,


When inside the factory turn around the down you entered from, it's opposite from the weed graffiti. 

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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