LittleBigPlanet 2 : Demo

 by Canana on  Dec 30, 2010

We checked closely this adventure through a recently released playable demo on PlayStation Network, the digital distribution system of the PlayStation 3, the result is more than obvious...

In this generation, a game surprised everyone by turning a simple proposal into something full of depth: LittleBigPlanet. The creation of Media Molecule simply took what is most basic in the platform genre and gave full freedom to players. The result? One of the most entertaining games of the PlayStation 3. Bizarre creations and unbelievable possibilities are only two reasons to enjoy the charming game starring Sackboy. The game is still active, getting more stages created by the players - one more crazy than the other. But believe it or not, what is good can be improved. The proof is LittleBigPlanet 2, which brings even more daring ideas and it seems a picture of an endless enjoyment.

The demo is not very long, but manages to show that the title will have many surprises. Altogether we have three stages, each showing a new feature of the game. Before embarking on the adventure, however, you must pass the famous player's pot, which again brings the DualShock 3 as a control panel for Sackboy. You can also customize your Sackboy, changing their features and much more.

Afterwards, just go on to the story mode. The first stage presents an object that appeared quite in videos and previews around the net: the retractable hook. The tool is useful for reaching difficult places and gives a new challeging tone to the jumping element presented in the LitleBigPlanet franchise.

With it, chances are magnified. The proof appears early in the stage when Sackboy has to stick to circles hanged from the ceiling to swing and reach the other end. As you advance in the level, the challenges become even greater, requiring the player to quickly calculate their actions and be very agile with the commands. To swing just use the left stick, pointing to the side you want to go. You can also increase or decrease the length of the rope, pressing up or down. It is essential to know the extent necessary to reach certain locations, otherwise the prize would be a painful shock in the butt.

In the next stage, you get a change of testing the vehicles. Well, actually, are not just cars, but MecAnimals. We're talking about robots that look like animals and can be controlled by the player. Altogether, we have three different in this stage, each with its characteristics. The brief experience with the vehicles was extremely satisfying. It's hard to imagine what brilliant minds and also the game-savvy users will be able to do with these toys. The outcome would certainly start with a smiling face.

The last stage of the demo brings a kind of arena in which the gravity action is low. In it, two to four players face off in firefights with rockets, resulting in a totally chaotic and fun experience. It's simple, but brings a competition level never seen on LBP.

There is no denying that the demo of LittleBigPlanet 2 left us with even more desire to play the final version. The little that was shown in the demo in the main evidence that much good comes out and it's only going to become better after the game is available, with thousands of users adding their own content.

LittleBigPlanet 2 comes exclusively to the PlayStation 3 on January 11, 2011. Thus, we cannot wait any longer.  

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

Marco Cecilio

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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