Look who came crawling back

General by Thresolder on  Nov 27, 2009


Aaahhh!!! Finally peace at last. After a long, devastating, killing & specially ****** exams I'm now free at last. I tried to come earlier in noobfeed but I couldn't buy some time. So today I'm writing this blog. 1st of all I would like to say to my friends that thanx for waiting & sorry for the waiting! Naturally this month I was mostly busy in study. But I manage to complete 3 games!!! Laughing 

But I liked the True Crime:New York City most. I think it's a great game as a game of 2006.

I also watched some movies. But mostly I liked G. I. Joe & The Half Blood Prince.

I found that G. I. Joe & Transformers 2 were made in the same studio. So for me I would say G. I. Joe is much better than the other one. Cause Transformers 2 is all about organic robots & Joes are humans with extra ordinary gadgets. Besides, I'll give Tranformers 2 a minus point cause they made a mess with my favourite character, Jetfire. In animes Jetfire was a young autobot hero & in movie they totally screwed up with my hero. WTF!!!! Yell But this may be my 1st movie that I found non-stop action for almost 2 & half hours. 

My next mission to CS 1.6 is to dominate & join the well known team & my personal favorite RV(Red Viperz). They put a good impression in the last WCG. It'll be a honor to join their team. Please friends, pray for my success.

That's all for today. Keep gaming & enjoy.


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